Manuel Pulido
Manuel Pulido
Professor, Department of Physics, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste
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Recent developments in gravity‐wave effects in climate models and the global distribution of gravity‐wave momentum flux from observations and models
MJ Alexander, M Geller, C McLandress, S Polavarapu, P Preusse, F Sassi, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 136 (650), 1103-1124, 2010
Climate warming and water management adaptation for California
SK Tanaka, T Zhu, JR Lund, RE Howitt, MW Jenkins, MA Pulido, ...
Climatic Change 76, 361-387, 2006
Review of wave‐turbulence interactions in the stable atmospheric boundary layer
J Sun, CJ Nappo, L Mahrt, D Belušić, B Grisogono, DR Stauffer, M Pulido, ...
Reviews of geophysics 53 (3), 956-993, 2015
The analog data assimilation
R Lguensat, P Tandeo, P Ailliot, M Pulido, R Fablet
Monthly Weather Review 145 (10), 4093-4107, 2017
Estimating model parameters with ensemble-based data assimilation: A review
JJ Ruiz, M Pulido, T Miyoshi
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 91 (2), 79-99, 2013
Game theory techniques for university management: an extended bankruptcy model
M Pulido, J Sánchez-Soriano, N Llorca
Annals of Operations Research 109, 129-142, 2002
A review of innovation-based methods to jointly estimate model and observation error covariance matrices in ensemble data assimilation
P Tandeo, P Ailliot, M Bocquet, A Carrassi, T Miyoshi, M Pulido, Y Zhen
Monthly Weather Review 148 (10), 3973-3994, 2020
Estimating model‐error covariances in nonlinear state‐space models using Kalman smoothing and the expectation–maximization algorithm
D Dreano, P Tandeo, M Pulido, B Ait‐El‐Fquih, T Chonavel, I Hoteit
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 143 (705), 1877-1885, 2017
Sequential Monte Carlo with kernel embedded mappings: The mapping particle filter
M Pulido, PJ van Leeuwen
Journal of Computational Physics 396, 400-415, 2019
Compromise solutions for bankruptcy situations with references
M Pulido, P Borm, R Hendrickx, N Llorca, J Sánchez-Soriano
Annals of Operations Research 158 (1), 133-141, 2008
DADA: data assimilation for the detection and attribution of weather and climate-related events
A Hannart, A Carrassi, M Bocquet, M Ghil, P Naveau, M Pulido, J Ruiz, ...
Climatic Change 136, 155-174, 2016
Stochastic parameterization identification using ensemble Kalman filtering combined with maximum likelihood methods
M Pulido, P Tandeo, M Bocquet, A Carrassi, M Lucini
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 70 (1), 1-17, 2018
Climate warming & California's water future
JR Lund, MW Jenkins, T Zhu, SK Tanaka, M Pulido, R Ritzema, R Howitt, ...
World Water & Environmental Resources Congress 2003, 1-10, 2003
Recent developments in gravity-wave effects in climate models and the global distribution of gravity-wave momentum flux from observations and models, QJ Roy. Meteor. Soc., 136 …
MJ Alexander, M Geller, C McLandress, S Polavarapu, P Preusse, F Sassi, ...
Offline parameter estimation using EnKF and maximum likelihood error covariance estimates: Application to a subgrid‐scale orography parametrization
P Tandeo, M Pulido, F Lott
Quarterly journal of the royal meteorological society 141 (687), 383-395, 2015
An international initiative of predicting the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic using ensemble data assimilation
G Evensen, J Amezcua, M Bocquet, A Carrassi, A Farchi, A Fowler, ...
Foundations of Data Science 3 (3), 413-477, 2021
On the core, the Weber set and convexity in games with a priori unions
MA Pulido, J Sanchez-Soriano
European Journal of Operational Research 193 (2), 468-475, 2009
Parameter estimation using ensemble-based data assimilation in the presence of model error
J Ruiz, M Pulido
Monthly Weather Review 143 (5), 1568-1582, 2015
The seasonal cycle of gravity wave drag in the middle atmosphere
M Pulido, J Thuburn
Journal of climate 21 (18), 4664-4679, 2008
Characterization of the core in games with restricted cooperation
MA Pulido, J Sánchez-Soriano
European Journal of Operational Research 175 (2), 860-869, 2006
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