Amir Mehrara Molan
Amir Mehrara Molan
Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi
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Analyzing Injury Severity of Motorcycle at-fault Crashes using Machine Learning Techniques, Decision Tree and Logistic Regression Models
M Rezapour, AM Molan, K Ksaibati
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 9 (2), 89-99, 2020
The Effect of Combined Horizontal Curve and Longitudinal Grade on Side Friction Factors
A Kordani, AM Molan
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 19 (1), 303–310, 2015
Investigating the Relationship between Crash Severity, Traffic Barrier Type, and Vehicle Type in Crashes Involving Traffic Barrier
AM Molan, M Rezapour, K Ksaibati
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) 7 (1 …, 2020
Investigating the Relationship between Crash Severity, Traffic Barrier Type, and Vehicle Type in Crashes Involving Traffic Barrier
A Mehrara Molan, M Rezapour, K Ksaibati
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) 7 (1), 2019
Optimization of Speed Hump Profiles Based on Vehicle Dynamic Performance Modeling
AM Molan, A Kordani
ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 140 (8), 04014035,1-12, 2014
Modeling Safety Performance of the New Super DDI Design in Terms of Vehicular Traffic and Pedestrian
AM Molan, JE Hummer, K Ksaibati
Accident Analysis & Prevention 127, 198-209, 2019
Multi-Body Simulation Modeling of Vehicle Skidding and Roll over for Horizontal Curves on Longitudinal Grades
A Mehrara Molan, A Kordani
Transportation Research Board 93rd Annual Meeting, 2014
Investigating the Effect of Geometric Dimensions of Median Traffic Barriers on Crashes: Crash Analysis of Interstate Roads in Wyoming using Actual Crash Datasets
AM Molan, M Moomen, K Ksaibati
Journal of Safety Research 71, 163-171, 2019
Travel Time Evaluation of Synchronized and Milwaukee B as New Interchange Designs
AM Molan, JE Hummer
ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems 144 (2 …, 2018
Safety Analysis of the New Synchronized and Milwaukee B Interchanges in Comparison to Existing Designs
AM Molan, JE Hummer
Accident Analysis & Prevention 109, 29-35, 2017
Modeling the Impact of Various Variables on Severity of Crashes Involving Traffic Barriers
A Mehrara Molan, M Rezapour, K Ksaibati
Journal of Transportation Safety & Security 12 (6), 800-817, 2020
Introducing the Super DDI as a Promising Alternative Service Interchange
AM Molan, JE Hummer, K Ksaibati
Transportation Research Record 2673 (3), 586-597, 2019
Simulation Modeling of Pedestrian Performance in the New Synchronized and Milwaukee B Interchanges versus Existing Designs
AM Molan, JE Hummer
Transportation Research Record 2672 (35), 151-160, 2018
Comparing the Efficiency of the Super Diverging Diamond Interchange to Other Innovative Interchanges
M Alzoubaidi, AM Molan, K Ksaibati
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 106, 102174, 2021
Estimating the Effect of Geometric Features of Side Traffic Barriers on Crash Severity of Interstate Roads in Wyoming
AM Molan, M Moomen, K Ksaibati
Accident Analysis & Prevention 144, 105639, 2020
Modeling Traffic Barriers Crash Severity by Considering the Effect of Traffic Barrier Dimensions
AM Molan, M Rezapour, K Ksaibati
Journal of Modern Transportation 27 (2), 141–151, 2019
Evaluation of Milwaukee B and Synchronized as New Service Interchange Designs
A Mehrara Molan
Wayne State University, 2017
New Formulas of Side Friction Factor Based on Three-Dimensional Model in Horizontal Curves for Various Vehicles
A Kordani, AM Molan, S Monajjem
ASCE T&DI Congress 2014: Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, 592-601, 2014
Impact of Side Traffic Barrier Features on the Severity of Run-off-road Crashes Involving Horizontal Curves on Non-Interstate Roads
AM Molan, K Ksaibati
International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology 10 (3), 245-253, 2021
Microscopic Traffic Simulation as a Decision Support System for Road Diet and Tactical Urbanism Strategies
B Liu, AM Molan, A Pande, J Howard, S Alexander, Z Luo
Sustainability 13 (14), 2021
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