Kolja Stahl
Kolja Stahl
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Protein structure prediction with in-cell photo-crosslinking mass spectrometry and deep learning
K Stahl, A Graziadei, T Dau, O Brock, J Rappsilber
Nature Biotechnology, 1-10, 2023
EPSILON-CP: using deep learning to combine information from multiple sources for protein contact prediction
K Stahl, M Schneider, O Brock
BMC Bioinformatics 18 (1), 303, 2017
Modelling protein complexes with crosslinking mass spectrometry and deep learning
K Stahl, R Warneke, L Demann, R Bremenkamp, B Hormes, O Brock, ...
Nature Communications 15 (1), 7866, 2024
Achieving fully proportional representation by clustering voters
P Faliszewski, A Slinko, K Stahl, N Talmon
Journal of Heuristics 24 (5), 725-756, 2018
Blind testing cross-linking/mass spectrometry under the auspices of the 11th critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP11)
A Belsom, M Schneider, L Fischer, M Mabrouk, K Stahl, O Brock, ...
Wellcome open research 1, 2016
Finding connected subgraphs of fixed minimum density: Implementation and experiments
C Komusiewicz, M Sorge, K Stahl
International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, 82-93, 2015
Control of iron homeostasis by a regulatory protein-protein interaction in Bacillus subtilis: The FurA (YlaN) acts as an antirepressor to the ferric uptake regulator Fur
L Demann, R Bremenkamp, K Stahl, B Hormes, R Warneke, J Rappsilber, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.09. 28.559918, 2023
Algorithm Engineering für das Auffinden dichter Teilgraphen in dünnen Graphen
K Stahl
Bachelor Thesis. TU Berlin, 2013
Predicting protein contacts by combining information from sequence and physicochemistry
K Stahl
Master Thesis. TU Berlin, 0
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Artikel 1–9