Jerome Vanclay
Jerome Vanclay
Professor of Sustainable Forestry, Southern Cross University, Australia
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Modelling forest growth and yield: Applications to mixed tropical forests.
JK Vanclay
CABI, Wallingford, UK., 1994
Forest Growth and Yield Modeling
AR Weiskittel, DW Hann, JA Kershaw, JK Vanclay
Forest Growth and Yield Modeling, 430, 2011
Forest site productivity: a review of the evolution of dendrometric concepts for even-aged stands
JP Skovsgaard, JK Vanclay
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 81 (1), 13-31, 2008
Sustaining conservation values in selectively logged tropical forests: the attained and the attainable
FE Putz, PA Zuidema, T Synnott, M Peña‐Claros, MA Pinard, D Sheil, ...
Conservation letters 5 (4), 296-303, 2012
Mixed-species plantations of Eucalyptus with nitrogen-fixing trees: A review
DI Forrester, J Bauhus, AL Cowie, JK Vanclay
Forest Ecology and Management 233 (2), 211-230, 2006
Evaluating forest growth models
JK Vanclay, JP Skovsgaard
Ecological Modelling 98 (1), 1-12, 1997
Impact factor: outdated artefact or stepping-stone to journal certification?
JK Vanclay
Scientometrics 92 (2), 211-238, 2012
Customer response to carbon labelling of groceries
JK Vanclay, J Shortiss, S Aulsebrook, AM Gillespie, BC Howell, MJ Maher, ...
Journal of Consumer Policy, Special issue on Putting Sustainable Consumption …, 2011
Growth Models for Tropical Forests: A Synthesis of Models and Methods
JK Vanclay
Forest Science 41 (1), 7-42, 1995
Sustainable forestry in the tropics: panacea or folly?
D Pearce, FE Putz, JK Vanclay
Forest Ecology and Management 172 (2-3), 229-247, 2003
Growth and yield of a tropical rain forest in the Brazilian Amazon 13 years after logging
JNM Silva, JOP de de Carvalho, J do Ca Lopes, BFD Almeida, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 71 (3), 267-274, 1995
Improved tropical forest management for carbon retention
FE Putz, PA Zuidema, MA Pinard, RGA Boot, JA Sayer, D Sheil, P Sist, ...
PLoS Biol 6 (7), 1368-1369, 2008
Evaluating a growth model for forest management using continuous forest inventory data
P Soares, M Tomé, JP Skovsgaard, JK Vanclay
Forest Ecology and Management 71 (3), 251-265, 1995
Mixed-species plantations: Prospects and challenges
JD Nichols, M Bristow, JK Vanclay
Forest Ecology and Management 233 (2-3), 383-390, 2006
On the robustness of the h-index
JK Vanclay
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 58 …, 2007
Social learning: A knowledge and capacity building approach for adaptive co-management of contested landscapes
AJ Leys, JK Vanclay
Land use policy 28 (3), 574-584, 2011
A growth model for north Queensland rainforests
JK Vanclay
Forest Ecology and Management 27 (3-4), 245-271, 1989
Structure and floristic composition of flood plain forests in the Peruvian Amazon: I Overstorey
G Nebel, LP Kvist, JK Vanclay, H Christensen, L Freitas, J Ruı́z
Forest Ecology and Management 150 (1-2), 27-57, 2001
Aggregating tree species to develop diameter increment equations for tropical rainforests
JK Vanclay
Forest ecology and management 42 (3-4), 143-168, 1991
Factors affecting citation rates in Environmental Science
JK Vanclay
Journal of Informetrics 7 (2), 265-271, 2013
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