Nathan E. Miller
Nathan E. Miller
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A new three-dimensional energy balance model for complex plant canopy geometries: Model development and improved validation strategies
BN Bailey, R Stoll, ER Pardyjak, NE Miller
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 218, 146-160, 2016
Aero-optical measurements of a Mach 8 boundary layer
KP Lynch, NE Miller, DR Guildenbecher, L Butler, S Gordeyev
AIAA Journal 61 (3), 991-1001, 2023
An experimental study of momentum and heavy particle transport in a trellised agricultural canopy
NE Miller, R Stoll, WF Mahaffee, TM Neill, ER Pardyjak
Agricultural and forest meteorology 211, 100-114, 2015
Surface heterogeneity effects on regional-scale fluxes in the stable boundary layer: Aerodynamic roughness length transitions
NE Miller, R Stoll
Boundary-layer meteorology 149 (2), 277-301, 2013
Mean and turbulent flow statistics in a trellised agricultural canopy
NE Miller, R Stoll, WF Mahaffee, ER Pardyjak
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 165 (1), 113-143, 2017
A CFD validation challenge for transonic, shock-induced separated flow: Experimental characterization
KP Lynch, B Lance, GS Lee, JW Naughton, NE Miller, MF Barone, ...
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1309, 2020
A CFD Validation Challenge for Transonic, shock-induced separated flow: Approach and metrics
SJ Beresh, MF Barone, K Dowding, KP Lynch, NE Miller
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1308, 2020
Revisiting Bachalo-Johnson: The Sandia Axisymmetric Transonic Hump and CFD Challenge
KP Lynch, NE Miller, MF Barone, SJ Beresh, R Spillers, J Henfling, ...
AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, 2848, 2019
Heavy particle transport in a trellised agricultural canopy during non-row-aligned winds
NE Miller, R Stoll, WF Mahaffee, TM Neill
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 256, 125-136, 2018
Aero-optical distortions of turbulent boundary layers: DNS up to Mach 8
NE Miller, D Guildenbecher, KP Lynch
AIAA Aviation 2021 Forum, 2832, 2021
Turbulence modeling for compressible flows using discrepancy tensor-basis neural networks and extrapolation detection
E Parish, DS Ching, NE Miller, SJ Beresh, MF Barone
AIAA SciTech 2023 Forum, 2126, 2023
Wall-modeled large-eddy simulations of turbulent Mach 3.5, 8, and 14 boundary layers-effect of Mach number on aero-optical distortions
P Castillo Gomez, A Gross, DR Guildenbecher, NE Miller, KP Lynch
AIAA Aviation 2022 Forum, 3441, 2022
Aero-optical distortions of turbulent boundary layers: Hypersonic DNS
NE Miller, KP Lynch, S Gordeyev, DR Guildenbecher, L Duan, ...
AIAA SciTech 2022 Forum, 0056, 2022
Wall-modeled large-eddy simulations of Mach 8 turbulent boundary layer and computation of aero-optical distortions
P Castillo Gomez, A Gross, DR Guildenbecher, NE Miller, KP Lynch
AIAA Scitech 2022 Forum, 1674, 2022
Numerical investigation of wall-cooling effect on aero-optical distortions for hypersonic boundary layer
P Castillo, A Gross, NE Miller, KP Lynch, DR Guildenbecher
AIAA Journal 61 (5), 1911-1924, 2023
Experimental characterization of an axisymmetric transonic separated flow for computational fluid dynamics validation
KP Lynch, BW Lance, NE Miller, MF Barone, SJ Beresh
AIAA Journal 61 (4), 1623-1638, 2023
Practical challenges in the calculation of turbulent viscosity from PIV data
SJ Beresh, NE Miller, B Smith
2018 Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, 2987, 2018
Using particle image velocimetry to determine turbulence model parameters
NE Miller, SJ Beresh
AIAA Journal 59 (3), 842-854, 2021
Numerical investigation of aero-optical distortions from high-speed turbulent boundary layers
P Castillo, A Gross, NE Miller, KP Lynch, DR Guildenbecher, S Gordeyev
AIAA Journal 62 (10), 3616-3629, 2024
Validation of Calibrated Model Parameters for Jet-in-Crossflow
NE Miller, SJ Beresh, J Ray
AIAA Journal 60 (8), 4699-4713, 2022
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