Frederic Berger
Frederic Berger
Gregor Mendel Institute
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Insights into land plant evolution garnered from the Marchantia polymorpha genome
JL Bowman, T Kohchi, KT Yamato, J Jenkins, S Shu, K Ishizaki, ...
Cell 171 (2), 287-304. e15, 2017
MINISEED3 (MINI3), a WRKY family gene, and HAIKU2 (IKU2), a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) KINASE gene, are regulators of seed size in Arabidopsis
M Luo, ES Dennis, F Berger, WJ Peacock, A Chaudhury
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (48), 17531-17536, 2005
Reprogramming of DNA methylation in pollen guides epigenetic inheritance via small RNA
JP Calarco, F Borges, MTA Donoghue, F Van Ex, PE Jullien, T Lopes, ...
Cell 151 (1), 194-205, 2012
Expression and disruption of the Arabidopsis TOR (target of rapamycin) gene
B Menand, T Desnos, L Nussaume, F Berger, D Bouchez, C Meyer, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 99 (9), 6422-6427, 2002
Maternal control of integument cell elongation and zygotic control of endosperm growth are coordinated to determine seed size in Arabidopsis
D Garcia, JN Fitz Gerald, F Berger
The plant cell 17 (1), 52-60, 2005
Dynamic analyses of the expression of the HISTONE:: YFP fusion protein in Arabidopsis show that syncytial endosperm is divided in mitotic domains
C Boisnard-Lorig, A Colon-Carmona, M Bauch, S Hodge, P Doerner, ...
The Plant Cell 13 (3), 495-509, 2001
A unified phylogeny-based nomenclature for histone variants
PB Talbert, K Ahmad, G Almouzni, J Ausió, F Berger, PL Bhalla, ...
Epigenetics & chromatin 5, 1-19, 2012
Maintenance of DNA Methylation during the Arabidopsis Life Cycle Is Essential for Parental Imprinting
PE Jullien, T Kinoshita, N Ohad, F Berger
The Plant Cell 18 (6), 1360-1372, 2006
Female control of male gamete delivery during fertilization in Arabidopsis thaliana
N Rotman, F Rozier, L Boavida, C Dumas, F Berger, JE Faure
Current Biology 13 (5), 432-436, 2003
Convergent evolution of genomic imprinting in plants and mammals
R Feil, F Berger
Trends in Genetics 23 (4), 192-199, 2007
Arabidopsis haiku Mutants Reveal New Controls of Seed Size by Endosperm
D Garcia, V Saingery, P Chambrier, U Mayer, G Jurgens, F Berger
Plant physiology 131 (4), 1661-1670, 2003
The histone variant H2A. W defines heterochromatin and promotes chromatin condensation in Arabidopsis
R Yelagandula, H Stroud, S Holec, K Zhou, S Feng, X Zhong, ...
Cell 158 (1), 98-109, 2014
The genetic and epigenetic landscape of the Arabidopsis centromeres
M Naish, M Alonge, P Wlodzimierz, AJ Tock, BW Abramson, A Schmücker, ...
Science 374 (6569), eabi7489, 2021
Epigenetic reprogramming in plant sexual reproduction
T Kawashima, F Berger
Nature Reviews Genetics 15 (9), 613-624, 2014
Distinct dynamics of HISTONE3 variants between the two fertilization products in plants
M Ingouff, Y Hamamura, M Gourgues, T Higashiyama, F Berger
Current Biology 17 (12), 1032-1037, 2007
Retinoblastoma and Its Binding Partner MSI1 Control Imprinting in Arabidopsis
PE Jullien, A Mosquna, M Ingouff, T Sakata, N Ohad, F Berger
PLoS biology 6 (8), e194, 2008
Identification of new members of Fertilisation Independent Seed Polycomb Group pathway involved in the control of seed development in Arabidopsis thaliana
AE Guitton, DR Page, P Chambrier, C Lionnet, JE Faure, U Grossniklaus, ...
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 131 (12), 2971 …, 2004
DNA methylation dynamics during sexual reproduction in Arabidopsis thaliana
PE Jullien, D Susaki, R Yelagandula, T Higashiyama, F Berger
Current Biology 22 (19), 1825-1830, 2012
A novel class of MYB factors controls sperm-cell formation in plants
N Rotman, A Durbarry, A Wardle, WC Yang, A Chaboud, JE Faure, ...
Current Biology 15 (3), 244-248, 2005
Endosperm: the crossroad of seed development
F Berger
Current opinion in plant biology 6 (1), 42-50, 2003
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