Dr.mont. Ewald Badisch
Dr.mont. Ewald Badisch
AC2T research GmbH
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Behaviour of iron-based hardfacing alloys under abrasion and impact
M Kirchgaßner, E Badisch, F Franek
Wear 265 (5-6), 772-779, 2008
Abrasive wear of high speed steels: Influence of abrasive particles and primary carbides on wear resistance
E Badisch, C Mitterer
Tribology International 36 (10), 765-770, 2003
Industrial applications of PACVD hard coatings
C Mitterer, F Holler, D Reitberger, E Badisch, M Stoiber, C Lugmair, ...
Surface and Coatings Technology 163, 716-722, 2003
Advanced chromium carbide-based hardfacings
A Zikin, I Hussainova, C Katsich, E Badisch, C Tomastik
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (19-20), 4270-4278, 2012
Effect of carbide degradation in a Ni-based hardfacing under abrasive and combined impact/abrasive conditions
C Katsich, E Badisch
Surface and Coatings Technology 206 (6), 1062-1068, 2011
Influence of welding parameters on microstructure and wear behaviour of a typical NiCrBSi hardfacing alloy reinforced with tungsten carbide
E Badisch, M Kirchgaßner
Surface and Coatings Technology 202 (24), 6016-6022, 2008
Abrasive wear mechanisms and their relation to rock properties
M Petrica, E Badisch, T Peinsitt
Wear 308 (1-2), 86-94, 2013
Low-friction TiN coatings deposited by PACVD
M Stoiber, E Badisch, C Lugmair, C Mitterer
Surface and coatings Technology 163, 451-456, 2003
Erosive wear of hardfaced Fe–Cr–C alloys at elevated temperature
C Katsich, E Badisch, M Roy, GR Heath, F Franek
Wear 267 (11), 1856-1864, 2009
Wear behaviour of hardfaced Fe-Cr-C alloy and austenitic steel under 2-body and 3-body conditions at elevated temperature
E Badisch, C Katsich, H Winkelmann, F Franek, M Roy
Tribology International 43 (7), 1234-1244, 2010
Wear reducing effects and temperature dependence of tribolayer formation in harsh environment
M Varga, H Rojacz, H Winkelmann, H Mayer, E Badisch
Tribology International 65, 190-199, 2013
Influence of welding current on carbide/matrix interface properties in MMCs
C Just, E Badisch, J Wosik
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 210 (2), 408-414, 2010
Wear mechanisms at high temperatures. Part 1: Wear mechanisms of different Fe-based alloys at elevated temperatures
H Winkelmann, E Badisch, M Kirchgaßner, H Danninger
Tribology letters 34, 155-166, 2009
Correlation of rubber based conveyor belt properties and abrasive wear rates under 2-and 3-body conditions
W Molnar, M Varga, P Braun, K Adam, E Badisch
Wear 320, 1-6, 2014
Wear mechanisms at high temperatures. Part 3: changes of the wear mechanism in the continuous impact abrasion test with increasing testing temperature
H Winkelmann, E Badisch, M Varga, H Danninger
Tribology letters 37, 419-429, 2010
Characterisation of TiC–NiMo reinforced Ni-based hardfacing
A Zikin, E Badisch, I Hussainova, C Tomastik, H Danninger
Surface and Coatings Technology 236, 36-44, 2013
Tribological behavior of PACVD TiN coatings in the temperature range up to 500 C
E Badisch, GA Fontalvo, M Stoiber, C Mitterer
Surface and Coatings Technology 163, 585-590, 2003
Characterization of tribo-layers on self-lubricating plasma-assisted chemical-vapor-deposited TiN coatings
E Badisch, C Mitterer, PH Mayrhofer, G Mori, RJ Bakker, J Brenner, ...
Thin Solid Films 460 (1-2), 125-132, 2004
Tribological performance of some solid lubricants for hot forming through laboratory simulative tests
A Tomala, S Hernandez, MR Ripoll, E Badisch, B Prakash
Tribology International 74, 164-173, 2014
Study of abrasive wear phenomena in dry and slurry 3-body conditions
M Petrica, C Katsich, E Badisch, F Kremsner
Tribology International 64, 196-203, 2013
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