Emma E.M. Stewart
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A review of interactions between peripheral and foveal vision
EEM Stewart, M Valsecchi, AC Schütz
Journal of vision 20 (12), 2-2, 2020
Attention modulates trans-saccadic integration
EEM Stewart, AC Schütz
Vision Research 142, 1-10, 2018
Optimal trans-saccadic integration relies on visual working memory
EEM Stewart, AC Schütz
Vision research 153, 70-81, 2018
Serial dependence for oculomotor control depends on early sensory signals
A Goettker, EEM Stewart
Current Biology 32 (13), 2956-2961. e3, 2022
Mental object rotation based on two-dimensional visual representations
EEM Stewart, FT Hartmann, Y Morgenstern, KR Storrs, G Maiello, ...
Current Biology 32 (21), R1224-R1225, 2022
Transsaccadic integration benefits are not limited to the saccade target
EEM Stewart, AC Schütz
Journal of Neurophysiology 122 (4), 1491-1501, 2019
Transsaccadic integration is dominated by early, independent noise
EEM Stewart, AC Schütz
Journal of vision 19 (6), 17-17, 2019
The spatial and temporal properties of attentional selectivity for saccades and reaches
EEM Stewart, P Verghese, A Ma-Wyatt
Journal of Vision 19 (9), 12, 2019
The profile of attention differs between locations orthogonal to and in line with reach direction
EEM Stewart, A Ma-Wyatt
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 79, 2412-2423, 2017
The spatiotemporal characteristics of the attentional shift relative to a reach
EEM Stewart, A Ma-Wyatt
Journal of vision 15 (5), 10-10, 2015
Humans represent the precision and utility of information acquired across fixations
EEM Stewart, CJH Ludwig, AC Schütz
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 2411, 2022
Exploring the interplay between message format, need for cognition and personal relevance on processing messages about physical activity: a two-arm randomized experimental trial
CE Short, R Crutzen, EM Stewart, J O’Rielly, M Dry, A Skuse, P Quester, ...
International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 30 (3), 320-333, 2023
Stronger saccadic suppression of displacement and blanking effect in children
EEM Stewart, C Hübner, AC Schütz
Journal of Vision 20 (10), 13-13, 2020
Spatial and directional tuning of serial dependence for tracking eye movements
A Goettker, EEM Stewart
Journal of Vision 24 (12), 1-16, 2024
A simple optical flow model explains why certain object viewpoints are special
EEM Stewart, RW Fleming, AC Schütz
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291 (2026), 20240577, 2024
Spatial and directional tuning of serial dependence for tracking eye movements
A Goettker, EEM Stewart
bioRxiv, 2024.06. 03.597076, 2024
The eyes anticipate where objects will move based on their shape
EEM Stewart, RW Fleming
Current Biology 33 (17), R894-R895, 2023
Cardinal viewpoints of 3D objects predicted by 2D optical flow model
EEM Stewart, RW Fleming, AC Schütz
Journal of Vision 23 (9), 4724-4724, 2023
Interaction of peripheral and central visual information in transsaccadic perception
AC Schütz, EEM Stewart, M Valsecchi
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 3153-3153, 2022
Viewpoint similarity of 3D objects predicted by image-plane position shifts
EEM Stewart, FT Hartmann, RW Fleming
Journal of Vision 22 (14), 3886-3886, 2022
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