N. M. Singh
N. M. Singh
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, VJTI, Mumbai University
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Impact of Topology on the Propagation of Cascading Failure in Power Grid
P Dey, R Mehra, F Kazi, S Wagh, NM Singh
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (4), 1970-1978, 2016
Hand Motion Recognition from Single Channel Surface EMG Using Wavelet & Artificial Neural Network
SM Mane, RA Kambli, FS Kazi, NM Singh
Procedia Computer Science 49, 58-65, 2015
Shaping the energy of mechanical systems without solving partial differential equations
A Donaire, R Mehra, R Ortega, S Sumeet, J Romero, F Kazi, N Singh
IEEE, 2015
Secured Energy Trading Using Byzantine-Based Blockchain Consensus
A Sheikh, V Kamuni, A Urooj, S Wagh, N Singh, D Patel
IEEE Access 8, 8554-8571, 2019
Reinforcement learning based obstacle avoidance for autonomous underwater vehicle
P Bhopale, F Kazi, N Singh
Journal of Marine Science and Application 18, 228-238, 2019
Port-controlled phasor hamiltonian modeling and IDA-PBC control of solid-state transformer
RV Meshram, M Bhagwat, S Khade, SR Wagh, AM Stanković, NM Singh
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (1), 161-174, 2017
Vitality of Robotics in Healthcare Industry: An Internet of Things (IoT) Perspective
AR Patel, RS Patel, NM Singh, FS Kazi
Internet of Things and Big Data Technologies for Next Generation Healthcare …, 2017
Improving lifetime of fuel cell in hybrid energy management system by lure–Lyapunov-based control formulation
S Mane, M Mejari, F Kazi, N Singh
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (8), 6671-6679, 2017
Analysis of PCA based compression and denoising of smart grid data under normal and fault conditions
R Mehra, N Bhatt, F Kazi, NM Singh
2013 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and …, 2013
Optimal load balancing strategy for hybrid energy management system in DC microgrid with PV, fuel cell and battery storage
S Mane, P Kadam, G Lahoti, F Kazi, NM Singh
2016 IEEE International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and …, 2016
Gaussian process surrogate model for an effective life assessment of transformer considering model and measurement uncertainties
S Shadab, J Hozefa, K Sonam, S Wagh, NM Singh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 134, 107401, 2022
Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle using Reduced Order Model Predictive Control in Three Dimensional Space
P Jagtap, P Raut, P Kumar, A Gupta, NM Singh, F Kazi
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (1), 772-777, 2016
Cyber Attack and Fault Identification of HVAC System in Building Management Systems
A Sheikh, V Kamuni, A Patil, S Wagh, N Singh
2019 9th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems (ICPES), 1-6, 2019
Analysis and prediction of vulnerability in smart power transmission system: A geometrical approach
S Gupta, F Kazi, S Wagh, N Singh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 94, 77-87, 2018
Non-linear model predictive control for improving transient stability of power system using TCSC controller
SR Wagh, AK Kamath, NM Singh
2009 7th Asian Control Conference, 1627-1632, 2009
Data driven approach to attack detection in a cyber-physical smart grid system
S Waghmare, F Kazi, N Singh
2017 Indian Control Conference (ICC), 271-276, 2017
Smart Building Energy Management: Load Profile Prediction using Machine Learning
G Revati, J Hozefa, S Shadab, A Sheikh, SR Wagh, NM Singh
2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 380-385, 2021
Control using new passivity property with differentiation at both ports
KC Kosaraju, R Pasumarthy, NM Singh, AL Fradkov
2017 Indian Control Conference (ICC), 7-11, 2017
Multi robot communication and target tracking system with controller design and implementation of swarm robot using arduino
DA Patil, MY Upadhye, FS Kazi, NM Singh
2015 International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control …, 2015
Finite-time parameter estimation for an online monitoring of transformer: A system identification perspective
S Shadab, G Revati, SR Wagh, NM Singh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 145, 108639, 2023
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