Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler
Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler
IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
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Increasing stress on disaster risk finance due to large floods
B Jongman, S Hochrainer-Stigler, L Feyen, JCJH Aerts, R Mechler, ...
Nature Climate Change 4, 264-268, 2014
Understanding farmers' intention and behavior regarding water conservation in the Middle-East and North Africa: A case study in Iran
M Yazdanpanah, D Hayati, S Hochrainer-Stigler, GH Zamani
Journal of environmental management 135, 63-72, 2014
Assessing the macroeconomic impacts of natural disasters: are there any?
S Hochrainer
World Bank policy research working paper, 2009
Changing risks of simultaneous global breadbasket failure
F Gaupp, J Hall, S Hochrainer-Stigler, S Dadson
Nature Climate Change 10 (1), 54-57, 2020
Financial instruments for disaster risk management and climate change adaptation
J Linnerooth-Bayer, S Hochrainer-Stigler
Climatic Change 133, 85-100, 2015
Managing unnatural disaster risk from climate extremes
R Mechler, LM Bouwer, J Linnerooth-Bayer, S Hochrainer-Stigler, ...
Nature Climate Change 4 (4), 235-237, 2014
Assessing river flood risk and adaptation in Europe—review of projections for the future
ZW Kundzewicz, N Lugeri, R Dankers, Y Hirabayashi, P Döll, I Pińskwar, ...
Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 15, 641-656, 2010
Mapping the effects of drought on child stunting
MW Cooper, ME Brown, S Hochrainer-Stigler, G Pflug, I McCallum, S Fritz, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (35), 17219-17224, 2019
National systems for managing the risks from climate extremes and disasters
PN Lal, T Mitchell, P Aldunce, H Auld, R Mechler, A Miyan, LE Romano, ...
Cambridge University Press 3, 339-392, 2012
River flood risk and adaptation in Europe—assessment of the present status
N Lugeri, ZW Kundzewicz, E Genovese, S Hochrainer, M Radziejewski
Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change 15, 621-639, 2010
Macroeconomic risk management against natural disasters
S Hochrainer
DUV, 2006
Catastrophe risk models for evaluating disaster risk reduction investments in developing countries
E Michel‐Kerjan, S Hochrainer‐Stigler, H Kunreuther, J Linnerooth‐Bayer, ...
Risk Analysis 33 (6), 984-999, 2013
Probabilistic cost‐benefit analysis of disaster risk management in a development context
D Kull, R Mechler, S Hochrainer‐Stigler
Disasters 37 (3), 374-400, 2013
Technologies to support community flood disaster risk reduction
I McCallum, W Liu, L See, R Mechler, A Keating, S Hochrainer-Stigler, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science 7, 198-204, 2016
Insurance against losses from natural disasters in developing countries. Evidence, gaps and the way forward
J Linnerooth-Bayer, R Mechler, S Hochrainer
IDRiM Journal 1 (1), 59-81, 2011
Evidence for urban–rural disparity in temperature–mortality relationships in Zhejiang Province, China
K Hu, Y Guo, S Hochrainer-Stigler, W Liu, L See, X Yang, J Zhong, F Fei, ...
Environmental health perspectives 127 (3), 037001, 2019
Sovereign financial disaster risk management: The case of Mexico
V Cardenas, S Hochrainer, R Mechler, G Pflug, J Linnerooth-Bayer
Environmental Hazards 7 (1), 40-53, 2007
Operationalizing resilience against natural disaster risk: opportunities, barriers, and a way forward
A Keating, R Mechler, J Mochizuki, H Kunreuther, J Bayer, S Hanger, ...
Zurich Flood Resilience Alliance, 2014
Vulnerability to weather disasters: the choice of coping strategies in rural Uganda
JF Helgeson, S Dietz, S Hochrainer-Stigler
Ecology and Society 18 (2), 2013
Science for loss and damage. Findings and propositions
R Mechler, E Calliari, LM Bouwer, T Schinko, S Surminski, ...
Loss and damage from climate change: Concepts, methods and policy options, 3-37, 2019
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