Günter Mühlberger
Günter Mühlberger
University of Innsbruck, Digital Humanities Research Centre
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Transkribus-a service platform for transcription, recognition and retrieval of historical documents
P Kahle, S Colutto, G Hackl, G Mühlberger
2017 14th iapr international conference on document analysis and recognition …, 2017
Transforming scholarship in the archives through handwritten text recognition: Transkribus as a case study
G Muehlberger, L Seaward, M Terras, SA Oliveira, V Bosch, M Bryan, ...
Journal of documentation 75 (5), 954-976, 2019
tranScriptorium: a european project on handwritten text recognition
JA Sánchez, G Mühlberger, B Gatos, P Schofield, K Depuydt, RM Davis, ...
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM symposium on Document engineering, 227-228, 2013
Icdar 2013 competition on book structure extraction
A Doucet, G Kazai, S Colutto, G Mühlberger
2013 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition …, 2013
Transkribus. A platform for automated text recognition and searching of historical documents
S Colutto, P Kahle, H Guenter, G Mühlberger
2019 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), 463-466, 2019
ICFHR2018 competition on automated text recognition on a READ dataset
T Strauß, G Leifert, R Labahn, T Hodel, G Mühlberger
2018 16th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition …, 2018
NewsEye: A digital investigator for historical newspapers
A Doucet, M Gasteiner, M Granroth-Wilding, M Kaiser, M Kaukonen, ...
15th Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities …, 2020
User-driven correction of OCR errors: combining crowdsourcing and information retrieval technology
G Mühlberger, J Zelger, D Sagmeister
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Digital Access to …, 2014
eBooks on Demand (EOD): a European digitization service
G Mühlberger, S Gstrein
IFLA journal 35 (1), 35-43, 2009
Automated digitisation of printed material for everyone: The metadata engine project
G Mühlberger
RLG DigiNews 6 (3), 1-12, 2002
Gewinner und Verlierer. Der historische Roman und sein Beitrag zum Literatursystem der Restaurationszeit (1815—1848/49)
K Habitzel, G Mühlberger
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York 21 (1), 91-123, 1996
Producing eBooks on Demand-A European Library Network
S Gstrein, G Mühlberger
E-Books in Libraries, 37-52, 2011
The German historical novel from 1780 to 1945: utilising the Innsbruck database
G Mühlberger, K Habitzel
na, 2001
Digitising instead of mailing or shipping: a new approach to interlibrary loan through customer‐related digitisation of monographs
G Mühlberger
Interlending & document supply 30 (2), 66-72, 2002
Digitalisierung historischer Zeitungen aus dem Blickwinkel der automatisierten Text-und Strukturerkennung (OCR)
G Mühlberger
Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 58 (1), 10-18, 2011
User-driven content selection for digitisation-the eBooks on Demand Network.
S Gstrein, G Mühlberger
Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, 2009
Habsburgische Landschaften im historischen Roman vor 1850
K Habitzel, G Mühlberger, W Wiesmüller
na, 1995
Automatic writer identification in historical documents: A case study
V Christlein
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, 2016
Newspaper clippings in a digital world: the Laurin project
G Mühlberger
Exploit interactive, 20, 1999
Handschriftenerkennung für historische Schriften. Die Transkribus Plattform
G Mühlberger, T Terbul
Bit online 21 (3), 2018
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