Enric Terol
Enric Terol
Department of Cartographic Engineering, Geodesy & Photogrammetry, Universitat Politècnica de València
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Rainfall simulation and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry for the analysis of soil water erosion in Mediterranean vineyards
M Prosdocimi, M Burguet, S Di Prima, G Sofia, E Terol, JR Comino, ...
Science of the Total Environment 574, 204-215, 2017
Long-term organic farming on a citrus plantation results in soil organic carbon recovery
A Novara, M Pulido, J Rodrigo-Comino, S Di Prima, P Smith, L Gristina, ...
Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 45 (1), 271-286, 2019
Vicia sativa Roth. Can Reduce Soil and Water Losses in Recently Planted Vineyards (Vitis vinifera L.)
J Rodrigo-Comino, E Terol, G Mora, A Giménez-Morera, A Cerdà
Earth Systems and Environment 4, 827-842, 2020
Impact of farmland abandonment on water resources and soil conservation in citrus plantations in eastern Spain
A Cerdà, O Ackermann, E Terol, J Rodrigo-Comino
Water 11 (4), 824, 2019
Tillage versus no-tillage. Soil properties and hydrology in an organic persimmon farm in Eastern Iberian Peninsula
A Cerdà, J Rodrigo-Comino, T Yakupoğlu, T Dindaroğlu, E Terol, ...
Water 12 (6), 1539, 2020
Long-term monitoring of soil bulk density and erosion rates in two Prunus Persica (L) plantations under flood irrigation and glyphosate herbicide treatment in La Ribera …
A Cerdà, IN Daliakopoulos, E Terol, A Novara, Y Fatahi, E Moradi, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 282, 111965, 2021
Weed cover controls soil and water losses in rainfed olive groves in Sierra de Enguera, eastern Iberian Peninsula
A Cerdà, E Terol, IN Daliakopoulos
Journal of Environmental Management 290, 112516, 2021
Rainfall and water yield in Macizo del Caroig, Eastern Iberian Peninsula. Event runoff at plot scale during a rare flash flood at the Barranco de Benacancil
A Cerdà, A Novara, P Dlapa, M López-Vicente, X Úbeda, Z Popovic, ...
Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 47 (1), 95-119, 2021
Effects of parent material on soil erosion within Mediterranean new vineyard plantations
J Rodrigo-Comino, A Novara, Y Gyasi-Agyei, E Terol, A Cerdà
Engineering geology 246, 255-261, 2018
Analyzing long-term soil erosion in a ridge-shaped persimmon plantation in eastern Spain by means of ISUM measurements
F Bayat, AB Monfared, MR Jahansooz, ET Esparza, A Keshavarzi, ...
Catena 183, 104176, 2019
Three topographical approaches to survey soil erosion on a mountain trail affected by a forest fire. Barranc de la Manesa, Llutxent, Eastern Iberian Peninsula
D Salesa, AM Amodio, CM Rosskopf, V Garfì, E Terol, A Cerdà
Journal of Environmental Management 264, 110491, 2020
Soil erosion on the “El Portalet” mountain trails in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula
D Salesa, E Terol, A Cerdà
Science of the Total Environment 661, 504-513, 2019
Soil erosion processes in subtropical plantations (Diospyros kaki) managed under flood irrigation in Eastern Spain
J Rodrigo‐Comino, M Ponsoda‐Carreres, D Salesa, E Terol, ...
Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 41 (1), 120-135, 2020
Quantifying soil compaction in persimmon orchards using ISUM (improved stock unearthing method) and core sampling methods
E Moradi, J Rodrigo-Comino, E Terol, G Mora-Navarro, A Marco da Silva, ...
Agriculture 10 (7), 266, 2020
Impacts of weather types on soil erosion rates in vineyards at “Celler del Roure” experimental research in eastern Spain
J Rodrigo-Comino, JM Senciales-González, E Terol, G Mora-Navarro, ...
Atmosphere 11 (6), 551, 2020
Tillage Versus No-Tillage. Soil Properties and Hydrology in an Organic Persimmon Farm in Eastern Iberian Peninsula. Water 12 (6), 1539
A Cerdà, J Rodrigo-Comino, T Yakupoğlu, T Dindaroğlu, E Terol, ...
Improved Stock Unearthing Method (ISUM) as a tool to determine the value of alternative topographic factors in estimating inter-row soil mobilisation in citrus orchards
J Rodrigo-Comino, AM da Silva, E Moradi, E Terol, A Cerdà
Spanish Journal of Soil Science 10 (1), 2020
Tillage versus no-tillage. Soil properties and hydrology in an organic persimmon farm in Eastern Iberian Peninsula. Water 12: 1539
A Cerdà, J Rodrigo-Comino, T Yakupoğlu, T Dindaroğlu, E Terol, ...
doi. org/10.3390/w1206 1539, 2020
Vicia Sativa Roth. can reduce soil and water losses in recently planted vineyards (Vitis Vinifera L.). Earth Systems and Environment 4, 827-842
J Rodrigo-Comino, E Terol, G Mora, A Giménez-Morera, A Cerdà
SIGMUN: una apuesta a la difusión de los SIG en la administración local
EC Aliaga, JCM LLario, JI Gaztelumendi, ET Esparza
Tecnimap de Sevilha 2006, 11pp, 2006
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