JW Mak
JW Mak
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Is Plasmodium vivax Malaria a Severe Malaria?: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
C Naing, MA Whittaker, V Nyunt Wai, JW Mak
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 8 (8), e3071, 2014
Relationship between hepatitis C virus infection and type 2 diabetes mellitus: meta-analysis
C Naing, JW Mak, SI Ahmed, M Maung
World journal of gastroenterology: WJG 18 (14), 1642, 2012
Meta-analysis: the association between HIV infection and extrapulmonary tuberculosis
C Naing, JW Mak, M Maung, SF Wong, AIBM Kassim
Lung 191, 27-34, 2013
Development of a Highly Specific RecombinantToxocara canis Second-Stage Larva Excretory-Secretory Antigen for Immunodiagnosis of Human Toxocariasis
H Yamasaki, K Araki, PKC Lim, N Zasmy, JW Mak, R Taib, T Aoki
Journal of clinical microbiology 38 (4), 1409-1413, 2000
Blastocystis in animal handlers
HR Salim, GS Kumar, S Vellayan, JW Mak, AK Anuar, I Init, GD Vennila, ...
Parasitology research 85, 1032-1033, 1999
Rigid membranes of Malayan ovalocytes: a likely genetic barrier against malaria
N Mohandas, LE Lie-Injo, M Friedman, JW Mak
Dengue fever and insecticide resistance in Aedes mosquitoes in Southeast Asia: a review
SJ Gan, YQ Leong, MFH bin Barhanuddin, ST Wong, SF Wong, JW Mak, ...
Parasites & vectors 14 (1), 315, 2021
In vitro antimalarial activity of quassinoids from Eurycoma longifolia against Malaysian chloroquine-resistant Plasmodium falciparum isolates
HH Ang, KL Chan, JW Mak
Planta Medica 61 (02), 177-178, 1995
Drinking water is a significant predictor of Blastocystis infection among rural Malaysian primary schoolchildren
AM Abdulsalam, I Ithoi, HM Al-Mekhlafi, A Ahmed, J Surin, JW Mak
Parasitology 139 (8), 1014-1020, 2012
Prevalence, predictors and clinical significance of Blastocystis sp. in Sebha, Libya
AM Abdulsalam, I Ithoi, HM Al-Mekhlafi, AH Khan, A Ahmed, J Surin, ...
Parasites & Vectors 6, 1-8, 2013
Significant reduction of brain cysts caused by Toxoplasma gondii after treatment with spiramycin coadministered with metronidazole in a mouse model of chronic toxoplasmosis
WK Chew, I Segarra, S Ambu, JW Mak
Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy 56 (4), 1762-1768, 2012
Malaria and soil-transmitted intestinal helminth co-infection and its effect on anemia: a meta-analysis
C Naing, MA Whittaker, V Nyunt-Wai, SA Reid, SF Wong, JW Mak, ...
Transactions of the royal society of tropical medicine and hygiene 107 (11 …, 2013
Occurrence of Blastocystis in Water of Two Rivers from Recreational Areas in Malaysia
I Ithoi, A Jali, JW Mak, WY Wan Sulaiman, R Mahmud
Journal of parasitology research 2011 (1), 123916, 2011
Isolation and characterization of Acanthamoeba spp. from air-conditioners in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
LL Chan, JW Mak, YT Low, TT Koh, I Ithoi, SM Mohamed
Acta tropica 117 (1), 23-30, 2011
Epidemiology of lymphatic filariasis
JW Mak
Ciba Foundation Symposium 127‐Filariasis: Filariasis: Ciba Foundation …, 2007
In vitro modulatory effects of Andrographis paniculata, Centella asiatica and Orthosiphon stamineus on cytochrome P450 2C19 (CYP2C19)
Y Pan, BA Abd-Rashid, Z Ismail, R Ismail, JW Mak, PCK Pook, HM Er, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 133 (2), 881-887, 2011
In vitro modulatory effects on three major human cytochrome P450 enzymes by multiple active constituents and extracts of Centella asiatica
Y Pan, BA Abd-Rashid, Z Ismail, R Ismail, JW Mak, PCK Pook, HM Er, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 130 (2), 275-283, 2010
An outbreak of acute haemorrhagic conjunctivitis in Melaka, Malaysia
O Ghazali, KB Chua, KP Ng, PS Hooi, MA Pallansch, MS Oberste, ...
Singapore Med J 44 (10), 511-6, 2003
Effect of 7-day daily replacement of culture medium containing Eurycoma longifolia Jack constituents on the Malaysian Plasmodium falciparum isolates
HH Ang, KL Chan, JW Mak
Journal of ethnopharmacology 49 (3), 171-175, 1995
Immune responses in human Brugia malayi infections: serum dependent cell-mediated destruction of infective larvae in vitro
BKL Sim, BH Kwa, JW Mak
Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical medicine and Hygiene 76 (3 …, 1982
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