Michel Ricardo de Barros Chaves
Michel Ricardo de Barros Chaves
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Microbial diversity in degraded and non-degraded petroleum samples and comparison across oil reservoirs at local and global scales
IN Sierra-Garcia, BM Dellagnezze, VP Santos, MR Chaves B, R Capilla, ...
Extremophiles 21, 211-229, 2017
Hydrocarbon-associated substrates reveal promising fungi for poly (ethylene terephthalate)(PET) depolymerization
L Malafatti-Picca, MR de Barros Chaves, AM de Castro, É Valoni, ...
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 50, 633-648, 2019
A practical fluorescence-based screening protocol for polyethylene terephthalate degrading microorganisms
MRB Chaves, MLSO Lima, L Malafatti-Picca, DA De Angelis, AM Castro, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 29 (6), 1278-1285, 2018
Regio-and enantioselective bioreduction of methyleneketoesters using both polymeric resin and cellulose matrix
MRB Chaves, PJS Moran, JAR Rodrigues
Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic 98, 73-77, 2013
Bioprospecting of whole-cell biocatalysts for cholesterol biotransformation
V Giorgi, M Chaves, P Menendez, C García Carnelli
World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 35, 1-12, 2019
Fungal screening for potential PET depolymerization
L Malafatti-Picca, EC Bucioli, MR de Barros Chaves, AM de Castro, ...
Polymers 15 (6), 1581, 2023
Simultaneous multienzymatic screening with fluorogenic probes
MLSO Lima, MRB Chaves, RMC Nascimento, CCS Gonçalves, ...
Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 29 (5), 1149-1156, 2018
Fungal Screening for Potential PET Depolymerization. Polymers 2023, 15, 1581
L Malafatti-Picca, EC Bucioli, MR de Barros Chaves, AM de Castro, ...
Biodegradação: efeitos no petróleo do campo de Miranga-BA e no polímero plástico PET
MR de Barros Chaves
[sn], 2018
Biorredução de metilenocetoésteres por microorganismos
MR de Barros Chaves
[sn], 2013
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