Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Paolo FrascaWeitere Informationen
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Modeling birds on wires
A Aydoğdu, P Frasca, C d'Apice, R Manzo, JM Thornton, B Gachomo, ...
Journal of Theoretical Biology 415, 102-112, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Verfügbar: 51
On robust synchronization of heterogeneous linear multi-agent systems with static couplings
GS Seyboth, DV Dimarogonas, KH Johansson, P Frasca, F Allgöwer
Automatica 53, 392-399, 2015
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Swedish Research Council
Traffic flow on a ring with a single autonomous vehicle: An interconnected stability perspective
V Giammarino, S Baldi, P Frasca, ML Delle Monache
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 22 (8), 4998-5008, 2021
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Stability of open multiagent systems and applications to dynamic consensus
M Franceschelli, P Frasca
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 66 (5), 2326-2331, 2020
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche, Government of Italy
The Closed Loop Between Opinion Formation and Personalized Recommendations
WS Rossi, JW Polderman, P Frasca
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 9 (3), 1092-1103, 2022
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Output synchronization of unknown heterogeneous agents via distributed model reference adaptation
S Baldi, S Yuan, P Frasca
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 6 (2), 515-525, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
Proportional dynamic consensus in open multi-agent systems
M Franceschelli, P Frasca
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 900-905, 2018
Mandate: Government of Italy
Graphon-based sensitivity analysis of SIS epidemics
R Vizuete, P Frasca, F Garin
IEEE Control Systems Letters 4 (3), 542-547, 2020
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The Rhythms of the Night: increase in online night activity and emotional resilience during the Spring 2020 Covid-19 lockdown
M Castaldo, T Venturini, P Frasca, F Gargiulo
EPJ Data Science 10 (7), 2021
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Cyclic communication in adaptive strategies to platooning: The case of synchronized merging
D Liu, S Baldi, V Jain, W Yu, P Frasca
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 6 (3), 490-500, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
Leaderless synchronization of heterogeneous oscillators by adaptively learning the group model
S Baldi, P Frasca
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (1), 412-418, 2019
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The Observability Radius of Networks
P Frasca, G Bianchin, A Gasparri
IEEE transactions on automatic control 62 (6), 3006-3013, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Mitigating COVID-19 outbreaks in workplaces and schools by hybrid telecommuting
S Mauras, V Cohen-Addad, G Duboc, MD la Tour, P Frasca, C Mathieu, ...
PLoS Computational Biology, 2021
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
The Laplacian spectrum of large graphs sampled from graphons
R Vizuete, F Garin, P Frasca
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 8 (2), 1711-1721, 2021
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
A continuation method for large-scale modeling and control: from ODEs to PDE, a round trip
D Nikitin, C Canudas-de-Wit, P Frasca
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021
Mandate: European Commission
Junk news bubbles modelling the rise and fall of attention in online arenas
M Castaldo, T Venturini, P Frasca, F Gargiulo
New Media & Society, 1461444820978640, 2021
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Large-scale network reduction towards scale-free structure
N Martin, P Frasca, C Canudas-de-Wit
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 6 (4), 711-723, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
Platooning merging maneuvers in the presence of parametric uncertainty
S Baldi, MR Rosa, P Frasca, EB Kosmatopoulos
IFAC-papersonline 51 (23), 148-153, 2018
Mandate: European Commission
Resilience in platoons of cooperative heterogeneous vehicles: Self-organization strategies and provably-correct design
D Liu, S Mair, K Yang, S Baldi, P Frasca, M Althoff
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 9 (1), 2262-2275, 2023
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
Nonlinear analysis of stability and safety of optimal velocity model vehicle groups on ring roads
CM Gisolo, ML Delle Monache, F Ferrante, P Frasca
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 23 (11), 20628-20635, 2022
Mandate: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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