Matthew Brian Welsh
Matthew Brian Welsh
Senior Research Fellow, University of Adelaide
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An empirical evaluation of models of text document similarity
MD Lee, BM Pincombe, MB Welsh
Cognitive Science, 2005
The Cognitive Reflection Test: how much more than Numerical Ability?
MB Welsh, NR Burns, PH Delfabbro
35th Annual Cognitive Science Conference, 2013
Seeing is believing: Priors, trust, and base rate neglect
MB Welsh, DJ Navarro
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 119 (1), 1-14, 2012
Uncertainty vs. Variability: What’s the Difference and Why is it Important?
SH Begg, MB Welsh, RB Bratvold
SPE hydrocarbon economics and evaluation symposium, D011S003R002, 2014
Individual differences in anchoring: Traits and experience
MB Welsh, PH Delfabbro, NR Burns, SH Begg
Learning and Individual Differences 29, 131-140, 2014
SPE 96423-Cognitive biases in the petroleum industry: impact and remediation
MB Welsh, RB Bratvold, SH Begg
Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers 81st Annual Technical …, 2005
SPE 110765: Modeling the economic impact of cognitive biases on oil and gas decisions
MB Welsh, SH Begg, RB Bratvold
Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers 83rd Annual Technical …, 2007
Number preference, precision and implicit confidence
MB Welsh, DJ Navarro, SH Begg
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2011
Decision-making on the full information secretary problem
MD Lee, TA O'Connor, MB Welsh
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 26 (26), 2004
Investigating the construct validity associated with microworld research: A comparison of performance under different management structures across expert and non-expert …
T Chapman, T Nettelbeck, M Welsh, V Mills
Australian Journal of Psychology 58 (1), 40-47, 2006
SPE 90338: Problems with the elicitation of uncertainty
MB Welsh, SH Begg, RB Bratvold, MD Lee
Proceedings of the Society of Petroleum Engineers 80th Annual Technical …, 2004
Investigating naturalistic decision making in a simulated microworld: What questions should we ask?
T Elliott, M Welsh, TN Lbeck, V Mills
Behavior Research Methods 39, 901-910, 2007
Efficacy of bias awareness in debiasing oil and gas judgments
MB Welsh, SH Begg, RB Bratvold
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 29 (29), 2007
Cognitive errors in estimation: does anchoring cause overconfidence?
AB Heywood-Smith, MB Welsh, SH Begg
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-116612-MS, 2008
What have we learned? Insights from a decade of bias research
MB Welsh, SH Begg
APPEA Journal 56 (1), 435-450, 2016
More-or-Less Elicitation (MOLE): Testing a heuristic elicitation method
M Welsh, M Lee, S Begg
Cognitive Science Society, 2008
An empirical evaluation of models of text document similarity. In proceedings of the 27th annual meeting of the cognitive Science Society
MD Lee, BM Pincombe, MB Welsh, B Bara
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005
More-Or-Less Elicitation (MOLE): reducing bias in range estimation and forecasting
MB Welsh, SH Begg
EURO Journal on Decision Processes 6 (1-2), 171-212, 2018
Repeated judgments in elicitation tasks: efficacy of the MOLE method
MB Welsh, MD Lee, SH Begg, N Taatgen, R Hv, L Schomaker, ...
Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society …, 2009
SPE 102188: Correcting common errors in probabilistic evaluations: efficacy of debiasing
MB Welsh, SH Begg, RB Bratvold
Society of Petroleum Engineers 82nd Annual Technical Conference and …, 2006
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