James R. Schmidt
James R. Schmidt
Full Professor, Université de Bourgogne
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The Stroop effect: why proportion congruent has nothing to do with congruency and everything to do with contingency
JR Schmidt, D Besner
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 34 (3 …, 2008
Measuring adaptive control in conflict tasks
S Braem, JM Bugg, JR Schmidt, MJC Crump, DH Weissman, W Notebaert, ...
Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2019
Questioning conflict adaptation: Proportion congruent and Gratton effects reconsidered
JR Schmidt
Psychonomic bulletin & review 20 (4), 615-630, 2013
Contingency learning without awareness: Evidence for implicit control
JR Schmidt, MJC Crump, J Cheesman, D Besner
Consciousness and cognition 16 (2), 421-435, 2007
Now you see it, now you don't: Controlling for contingencies and stimulus repetitions eliminates the Gratton effect
JR Schmidt, J De Houwer
Acta Psychologica 138 (1), 176-186, 2011
Evidence against conflict monitoring and adaptation: An updated review
JR Schmidt
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 26, 753–771, 2019
Congruency sequence effects without feature integration or contingency learning confounds
JR Schmidt, DH Weissman
PLOS ONE 9 (7), e102337, 2014
The Parallel Episodic Processing (PEP) model: Dissociating contingency and conflict adaptation in the item-specific proportion congruent paradigm
JR Schmidt
Acta psychologica 142 (1), 119-126, 2013
The Parallel Episodic Processing (PEP) model 2.0: A single computational model of stimulus-response binding, contingency learning, power curves, and mixing costs
JR Schmidt, J De Houwer, K Rothermund
Cognitive Psychology 91, 82–108, 2016
Dissociating stimulus-stimulus and response-response effects in the Stroop task.
JR Schmidt, J Cheesman
Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology/Revue canadienne de psychologie …, 2005
Temporal learning and list-level proportion congruency: Conflict adaptation or learning when to respond?
JR Schmidt
PloS one 8 (11), e82320, 2013
Contingency learning and unlearning in the blink of an eye: A resource dependent process
JR Schmidt, J De Houwer, D Besner
Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1), 235-250, 2010
Contingency learning with evaluative stimuli: Testing the generality of contingency learning in a performance paradigm.
JR Schmidt, J De Houwer
Experimental psychology 59 (4), 175, 2012
Filling a gap in the semantic gradient: Color associates and response set effects in the Stroop task
EF Risko, JR Schmidt, D Besner
Psychonomic bulletin & review 13 (2), 310-315, 2006
The law of recency: An episodic stimulus-response retrieval account of habit acquisition
CG Giesen, JR Schmidt, K Rothermund
Frontiers in Psychology 10, Article 2927, 2020
Congruency sequence effects and previous response times: Conflict adaptation or temporal learning?
JR Schmidt, DH Weissman
Psychological Research, 2016
Contingency learning as binding? Testing an exemplar view of the colour-word contingency learning effect
JR Schmidt, CG Giesen, K Rothermund
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2020
Feature integration and task switching: Diminished switch costs after controlling for stimulus, response, and cue repetitions
JR Schmidt, B Liefooghe
PLOS ONE, 2016
Learning, awareness, and instruction: Subjective contingency awareness does matter in the colour-word contingency learning paradigm
JR Schmidt, J De Houwer
Consciousness and cognition 21 (4), 1754-1768, 2012
Context-specific proportion congruent effects: Compound-cue contingency learning in disguise
JR Schmidt, C Lemercier
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2019
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