Claudio A. Estrada Gasca
Claudio A. Estrada Gasca
Investigador del IER UNAM
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Zitiert von
Purificación de aguas por fotocatálisis heterogénea: estado del arte
JB Gálvez, SM Rodríguez, CAE Gasca, ER Bandala, S Gelover, T Leal
Purificación de águas por fotocatálisis heterogénea: estado da arte. La Plata, 2001
Solar photocatalytic degradation of Aldrin
ER Bandala, S Gelover, MT Leal, C Arancibia-Bulnes, A Jimenez, ...
Catalysis Today 76 (2-4), 189-199, 2002
First experimental studies of solar redox reactions of copper oxides for thermochemical energy storage
E Alonso, C Pérez-Rábago, J Licurgo, E Fuentealba, CA Estrada
Solar Energy 115, 297-305, 2015
An overview of the solar thermochemical processes for hydrogen and syngas production: Reactors, and facilities
HI Villafán-Vidales, CA Arancibia-Bulnes, D Riveros-Rosas, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 75, 894-908, 2017
Water desalination by air humidification: Mathematical model and experimental study
JJ Hermosillo, CA Arancibia-Bulnes, CA Estrada
Solar Energy 86 (4), 1070-1076, 2012
Numerical study of heat transfer by laminar and turbulent natural convection in tall cavities of facade elements
J Xamán, G Álvarez, L Lira, C Estrada
Energy and buildings 37 (7), 787-794, 2005
Solar photoreactors comparison based on oxalic acid photocatalytic degradation
ER Bandala, CA Arancibia-Bulnes, SL Orozco, CA Estrada
Solar energy 77 (5), 503-512, 2004
Optical design of a high radiative flux solar furnace for Mexico
D Riveros-Rosas, J Herrera-Vázquez, CA Pérez-Rábago, ...
Solar energy 84 (5), 792-800, 2010
Numerical study of transient and steady-state natural convection and surface thermal radiation in a horizontal square open cavity
JF Hinojosa, CA Estrada, RE Cabanillas, G Alvarez
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A 48 (2), 179-196, 2005
Numerical study of heat transfer by natural convection and surface thermal radiation in an open cavity receiver
MM Gonzalez, JH Palafox, CA Estrada
Solar Energy 86 (4), 1118-1128, 2012
Mathematical simulation of a solar ejector-compression refrigeration system
R Dorantes, CA Estrada, I Pilatowsky
Applied thermal engineering 16 (8-9), 669-675, 1996
Heat flux sensors: Calorimeters or radiometers?
J Ballestrín, CA Estrada, M Rodríguez-Alonso, C Pérez-Rábago, ...
Solar energy 80 (10), 1314-1320, 2006
Heat transfer analysis in a calorimeter for concentrated solar radiation measurements
CA Estrada, OA Jaramillo, R Acosta, CA Arancibia-Bulnes
Solar energy 81 (10), 1306-1313, 2007
Comparison of solar collection geometries for application to photocatalytic degradation of organic contaminants
ER Bandala, C Estrada
The behaviour of a hybrid compressor and ejector refrigeration system with refrigerants 134a and 142b
JI Hernández, RJ Dorantes, R Best, CA Estrada
Applied Thermal Engineering 24 (13), 1765-1783, 2004
Heat transfer in a conical cavity calorimeter for measuring thermal power of a point focus concentrator
CA Pérez-Rábago, MJ Marcos, M Romero, CA Estrada
Solar Energy 80 (11), 1434-1442, 2006
Solar absorptance and thermal emittance of cermets with largeparticles
CA Arancibia-Bulnes, CA Estrada, JC Ruiz-Suárez
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 33 (19), 2489, 2000
Photocatalytic degradation of DBSNa using solar energy
AE Jiménez, CA Estrada, AD Cota, A Román
Solar energy materials and solar cells 60 (1), 85-95, 2000
Design of a novel CPC collector for the photodegradation of carbaryl pesticides as a function of the solar concentration ratio
I Salgado-Tránsito, AE Jiménez-González, ML Ramón-García, ...
Solar Energy 115, 537-551, 2015
A flat-plate calorimeter for concentrated solar flux evaluation
OA Jaramillo, CA Pérez-Rábago, CA Arancibia-Bulnes, CA Estrada
Renewable Energy 33 (10), 2322-2328, 2008
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