Corinna Breusing
Corinna Breusing
Marine Research Associate, University of Rhode Island
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Biophysical and population genetic models predict the presence of “phantom” stepping stones connecting Mid-Atlantic Ridge vent ecosystems
C Breusing, A Biastoch, A Drews, A Metaxas, D Jollivet, RC Vrijenhoek, ...
Current Biology 26 (17), 2257-2267, 2016
Combining hydrodynamic modelling with genetics: can passive larval drift shape the genetic structure of Baltic Mytilus populations?
H Stuckas, L Knöbel, H Schade, C Breusing, HH Hinrichsen, M Bartel, ...
Molecular Ecology 26 (10), 2765-2782, 2017
Long-distance benefits of marine reserves: myth or reality?
S Manel, N Loiseau, M Andrello, K Fietz, R Goñi, A Forcada, P Lenfant, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 34 (4), 342-354, 2019
Abundant toxin-related genes in the genomes of beneficial symbionts from deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussels
L Sayavedra, M Kleiner, R Ponnudurai, S Wetzel, E Pelletier, V Barbe, ...
elife 4, e07966, 2015
Host-Microbe Interactions in the Chemosynthetic Riftia pachyptila Symbiosis
T Hinzke, M Kleiner, C Breusing, H Felbeck, R Häsler, SM Sievert, ...
Mbio 10 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 02243-19, 2019
Population structure and connectivity in Indo-Pacific deep-sea mussels of the Bathymodiolus septemdierum complex
C Breusing, SB Johnson, V Tunnicliffe, RC Vrijenhoek
Conservation genetics 16, 1415-1430, 2015
Allopatric and Sympatric Drivers of Speciation in Alviniconcha Hydrothermal Vent Snails
C Breusing, SB Johnson, V Tunnicliffe, DA Clague, RC Vrijenhoek, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 37 (12), 3469-3484, 2020
Combined genotyping, microbial diversity and metabolite profiling studies on farmed Mytilus spp. from Kiel Fjord
C Utermann, D Parrot, C Breusing, H Stuckas, T Staufenberger, M Blümel, ...
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 7983, 2018
Horizontal transmission enables flexible associations with locally adapted symbiont strains in deep-sea hydrothermal vent symbioses
C Breusing, M Genetti, SL Russell, RB Corbett-Detig, RA Beinart
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (14), e2115608119, 2022
Differential patterns of connectivity in Western Pacific hydrothermal vent metapopulations: A comparison of biophysical and genetic models
C Breusing, SB Johnson, S Mitarai, RA Beinart, V Tunnicliffe
Evolutionary Applications 16 (1), 22-35, 2023
Physiological dynamics of chemosynthetic symbionts in hydrothermal vent snails
C Breusing, J Mitchell, J Delaney, SP Sylva, JS Seewald, PR Girguis, ...
The ISME journal 14 (10), 2568-2579, 2020
Widespread introgression in deep-sea hydrothermal vent mussels
C Breusing, RC Vrijenhoek, TBH Reusch
BMC Evolutionary Biology 17, 1-10, 2017
Deep-sea mussels from a hybrid zone on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge host genetically indistinguishable symbionts
M Ücker, R Ansorge, Y Sato, L Sayavedra, C Breusing, N Dubilier
The ISME Journal 15 (10), 3076-3083, 2021
Comparative de novo assembly and annotation of mantle tissue transcriptomes from the Mytilus edulis species complex (M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis, M. trossulus)
L Knöbel, C Breusing, T Bayer, V Sharma, M Hiller, F Melzner, H Stuckas
Marine Genomics 51, 100700, 2020
Inter-Specific Genetic Exchange Despite Strong Divergence in Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vent Gastropods of the Genus Alviniconcha
J Castel, S Hourdez, F Pradillon, C Daguin-Thiébaut, M Ballenghien, ...
Genes 13 (6), 985, 2022
Host hybridization as a potential mechanism of lateral symbiont transfer in deep‐sea vesicomyid clams
C Breusing, SB Johnson, RC Vrijenhoek, CR Young
Molecular Ecology 28 (21), 4697-4708, 2019
High‐contiguity genome assembly of the chemosynthetic gammaproteobacterial endosymbiont of the cold seep tubeworm Lamellibrachia barhami
C Breusing, DT Schultz, S Sudek, AZ Worden, CR Young
Molecular Ecology Resources 20 (5), 1432-1444, 2020
Global 16S rRNA diversity of provannid snail endosymbionts from Indo‐Pacific deep‐sea hydrothermal vents
C Breusing, J Castel, Y Yang, T Broquet, J Sun, D Jollivet, PY Qian, ...
Environmental microbiology reports 14 (2), 299-307, 2022
Divergent paths in the evolutionary history of maternally transmitted clam symbionts
M Perez, C Breusing, B Angers, RA Beinart, YJ Won, CR Young
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1970), 20212137, 2022
Population genetics and morphometric variation of blue mussels in the western Baltic Sea
C Breusing
Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 2012
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