George Fuchs
George Fuchs
College of Medicine and College of Public Health, University of Kentucky
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Evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders in individuals with ASDs: a consensus report
T Buie, DB Campbell, GJ Fuchs III, GT Furuta, J Levy, J VandeWater, ...
Pediatrics 125 (Supplement_1), S1-S18, 2010
Addendum guidelines for the prevention of peanut allergy in the United States: report of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases–sponsored expert panel
A Togias, SF Cooper, ML Acebal, A Assa’ad, JR Baker, LA Beck, J Block, ...
World Allergy Organization Journal 10, 1-18, 2017
Climate and infectious disease: Use of remote sensing for detection of Vibrio cholerae by indirect measurement
B Lobitz, L Beck, A Huq, B Wood, G Fuchs, ASG Faruque, R Colwell
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (4), 1438-1443, 2000
Reslizumab in children and adolescents with eosinophilic esophagitis: results of a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial
JM Spergel, ME Rothenberg, MH Collins, GT Furuta, JE Markowitz, ...
Journal of allergy and clinical immunology 129 (2), 456-463. e3, 2012
ENSO and cholera: a nonstationary link related to climate change?
X Rodó, M Pascual, G Fuchs, ASG Faruque
Proceedings of the national Academy of Sciences 99 (20), 12901-12906, 2002
Mortality in severely malnourished children with diarrhoea and use of a standardised management protocol
T Ahmed, M Ali, MM Ullah, IA Choudhury, ME Haque, MA Salam, ...
The Lancet 353 (9168), 1919-1922, 1999
Gastrointestinal conditions in children with autism spectrum disorder: developing a research agenda
DL Coury, P Ashwood, A Fasano, G Fuchs, M Geraghty, A Kaul, G Mawe, ...
Pediatrics 130 (Supplement_2), S160-S168, 2012
The effects of early nutritional interventions on the development of atopic disease in infants and children: the role of maternal dietary restriction, breastfeeding, hydrolyzed …
FR Greer, SH Sicherer, A Burks, SA Abrams, GJ Fuchs, JH Kim, C Lindsey, ...
Pediatrics 143 (4), 2019
Daily consumption of Indian spinach (Basella alba) or sweet potatoes has a positive effect on total-body vitamin A stores in Bangladeshi men
MJ Haskell, KM Jamil, F Hassan, JM Peerson, MI Hossain, GJ Fuchs, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 80 (3), 705-714, 2004
Efficacy of methylcobalamin and folinic acid treatment on glutathione redox status in children with autism
SJ James, S Melnyk, G Fuchs, T Reid, S Jernigan, O Pavliv, A Hubanks, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 89 (1), 425-430, 2009
Recommendations for evaluation and treatment of common gastrointestinal problems in children with ASDs
T Buie, GJ Fuchs III, GT Furuta, K Kooros, J Levy, JD Lewis, BK Wershil, ...
Pediatrics 125 (Supplement_1), S19-S29, 2010
Metabolic imbalance associated with methylation dysregulation and oxidative damage in children with autism
S Melnyk, GJ Fuchs, E Schulz, M Lopez, SG Kahler, JJ Fussell, J Bellando, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 42, 367-377, 2012
Clinical studies in persistent diarrhea: dietary management with green banana or pectin in Bangladeshi children
GH Rabbani, T Teka, B Zaman, N Majid, M Khatun, GJ Fuchs
Gastroenterology 121 (3), 554-560, 2001
Prevalence of Toxin Types and Colonization Factors in Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Isolated during a 2-Year Period from Diarrheal Patients in Bangladesh
F Qadri, SK Das, ASG Faruque, GJ Fuchs, MJ Albert, RB Sack, ...
Journal of clinical microbiology 38 (1), 27-31, 2000
Successful treatment of rotavirus diarrhea in children with immunoglobulin from immunized bovine colostrum
SA Sarker, TH Casswall, D Mahalanabis, NH Alam, MJ Albert, H Brüssow, ...
The Pediatric infectious disease journal 17 (12), 1149-1154, 1998
Randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of hyperimmunized chicken egg yolk immunoglobulin in children with rotavirus diarrhea
SA Sarker, TH Casswall, LR Juneja, E Hoq, I Hossain, GJ Fuchs, ...
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 32 (1), 19-25, 2001
Overweight children and adolescents: a clinical report of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
S Baker, S Barlow, W Cochran, G Fuchs, W Klish, N Krebs, R Strauss, ...
Journal of pediatric gastroenterology and nutrition 40 (5), 533-543, 2005
Intensive nutrition education with or without supplementary feeding improves the nutritional status of moderately-malnourished children in Bangladesh
SK Roy, GJ Fuchs, Z Mahmud, G Ara, S Islam, S Shafique, SS Akter, ...
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition, 320-330, 2005
Randomised controlled trial of zinc supplementation in malnourished Bangladeshi children with acute diarrhoea
SK Roy, AM Tomkins, SM Akramuzzaman, RH Behrens, R Haider, ...
Archives of Disease in Childhood 77 (3), 196-200, 1997
Zinc supplementation during pregnancy and effects on mental development and behaviour of infants: a follow-up study
JD Hamadani, GJ Fuchs, SJM Osendarp, SN Huda, ...
The Lancet 360 (9329), 290-294, 2002
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