Anna R. Renwick
Anna R. Renwick
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Questionnaires in ecology: a review of past use and recommendations for best practice
PCL White, NV Jennings, AR Renwick, NHL Barker
Journal of applied ecology 42 (3), 421-430, 2005
Bovine tuberculosis in southern African wildlife: a multi-species host–pathogen system
AR Renwick, PCL White, RG Bengis
Epidemiology & Infection 135 (4), 529-540, 2007
Biodiversity risks from fossil fuel extraction
N Butt, HL Beyer, JR Bennett, D Biggs, R Maggini, M Mills, AR Renwick, ...
Science 342 (6157), 425-426, 2013
The supply chain of violence
N Butt, F Lambrick, M Menton, A Renwick
Nature sustainability 2 (8), 742-747, 2019
Breeding Bird Survey 2009
K Risely, DG Noble, SR Baillie
British Trust For Ornitho, 2010
Modelling changes in species’ abundance in response to projected climate change
AR Renwick, D Massimino, SE Newson, DE Chamberlain, ...
Diversity and Distributions 18 (2), 121-132, 2012
The role of food retailers in improving resilience in global food supply
S Macfadyen, JM Tylianakis, DK Letourneau, TG Benton, P Tittonell, ...
Global Food Security 7, 1-8, 2015
Modelling large‐scale relationships between changes in woodland deer and bird populations
SE Newson, A Johnston, AR Renwick, SR Baillie, RJ Fuller
Journal of Applied Ecology 49 (1), 278-286, 2012
Publishing trends on climate change vulnerability in the conservation literature reveal a predominant focus on direct impacts and long time‐scales
S Chapman, K Mustin, AR Renwick, DB Segan, DG Hole, RG Pearson, ...
Diversity and Distributions 20 (10), 1221-1228, 2014
An objective, niche‐based approach to indicator species selection
SJ Butler, RP Freckleton, AR Renwick, K Norris
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3 (2), 317-326, 2012
Designer policy for carbon and biodiversity co-benefits under global change
BA Bryan, RK Runting, T Capon, MP Perring, SC Cunningham, ME Kragt, ...
Nature Climate Change 6 (3), 301-305, 2016
Mapping Indigenous land management for threatened species conservation: An Australian case-study
AR Renwick, CJ Robinson, ST Garnett, I Leiper, HP Possingham, ...
PloS one 12 (3), e0173876, 2017
Maximizing the environmental benefits of carbon farming through ecosystem service delivery
BB Lin, S Macfadyen, AR Renwick, SA Cunningham, NA Schellhorn
Bioscience 63 (10), 793-803, 2013
Indigenous benefits and carbon offset schemes: An Australian case study
CJ Robinson, AR Renwick, T May, E Gerrard, R Foley, M Battaglia, ...
Environmental Science & Policy 56, 129-134, 2016
Composite bird indicators robust to variation in species selection and habitat specificity
AR Renwick, A Johnston, A Joys, SE Newson, DG Noble, ...
Ecological Indicators 18, 200-207, 2012
The threats endangering Australia's at-risk fauna
A Allek, AS Assis, N Eiras, TP Amaral, B Williams, N Butt, AR Renwick, ...
Biological Conservation 222, 172-179, 2018
Spatial priorities for restoring biodiverse carbon forests
J Carwardine, C Hawkins, P Polglase, HP Possingham, A Reeson, ...
BioScience 65 (4), 372-382, 2015
Host–parasite interactions in a fragmented landscape
AR Renwick, X Lambin
International Journal for Parasitology 43 (1), 27-35, 2013
Biodiverse planting for carbon and biodiversity on indigenous land
AR Renwick, CJ Robinson, TG Martin, T May, P Polglase, ...
PloS one 9 (3), e91281, 2014
Reserves in context: planning for leakage from protected areas
AR Renwick, M Bode, O Venter
PLoS One 10 (6), e0129441, 2015
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