Jennifer L Clear
Jennifer L Clear
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Challenges of ecological restoration: lessons from forests in northern Europe
P Halme, KA Allen, A Auniņš, RHW Bradshaw, G Brūmelis, V Čada, ...
Biological Conservation 167, 248-256, 2013
Bark beetles as agents of change in social–ecological systems
JL Morris, S Cottrell, CJ Fettig, RJ DeRose, KM Mattor, VA Carter, J Clear, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 16 (S1), S34-S43, 2018
Managing bark beetle impacts on ecosystems and society: priority questions to motivate future research
JL Morris, S Cottrell, CJ Fettig, WD Hansen, RL Sherriff, VA Carter, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (3), 750-760, 2017
Holocene fire in Fennoscandia and Denmark
JL Clear, C Molinari, RHW Bradshaw
International Journal of Wildland Fire 23 (6), 781-789, 2014
Holocene-scale fire dynamics of central European temperate spruce-beech forests
VA Carter, A Moravcová, RC Chiverrell, JL Clear, W Finsinger, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 191, 15-30, 2018
Legacy of pre-disturbance spatial pattern determines early structural diversity following severe disturbance in montane spruce forests
R Bače, M Svoboda, P Janda, RC Morrissey, J Wild, JL Clear, V Čada, ...
PLoS One 10 (9), e0139214, 2015
Common Era sea-level budgets along the US Atlantic coast
JS Walker, RE Kopp, TA Shaw, N Cahill, NS Khan, DC Barber, EL Ashe, ...
Nature Communications 12 (1), 1841, 2021
Quantitative palynology informing conservation ecology in the Bohemian/Bavarian forests of Central Europe
VA Carter, RC Chiverrell, JL Clear, N Kuosmanen, A Moravcová, ...
Frontiers in plant science 8, 2268, 2018
The climate, the fuel and the land use: Long‐term regional variability of biomass burning in boreal forests
C Molinari, V Lehsten, O Blarquez, C Carcaillet, BAS Davis, JO Kaplan, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (10), 4929-4945, 2018
Long-term forest composition and its drivers in taiga forest in NW Russia
N Kuosmanen, H Seppä, T Reitalu, T Alenius, RHW Bradshaw, JL Clear, ...
Vegetation history and archaeobotany 25, 221-236, 2016
Role of forest fires in Holocene stand-scale dynamics in the unmanaged taiga forest of northwestern Russia
N Kuosmanen, K Fang, R Bradshaw, J Clear, H Seppa
The Holocene, 2014
Adaptive capacity in social–ecological systems: a framework for addressing bark beetle disturbances in natural resource management
S Cottrell, KM Mattor, JL Morris, CJ Fettig, P McGrady, D Maguire, ...
Sustainability Science 15, 555-567, 2020
The Reading Palaeofire Database: an expanded global resource to document changes in fire regimes from sedimentary charcoal records
SP Harrison, R Villegas-Diaz, E Cruz-Silva, D Gallagher, D Kesner, ...
Earth System Science Data Discussions 2021, 1-30, 2021
Holocene fire frequency variability in Vesijako, Strict Nature Reserve, Finland, and its application to conservation and management
JL Clear, H Seppä, N Kuosmanen, RHW Bradshaw
Biological Conservation 166, 90-97, 2013
Holocene stand-scale vegetation dynamics and fire history of an old-growth spruce forest in southern Finland
JL Clear, H Seppä, N Kuosmanen, RHW Bradshaw
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 24, 731-741, 2015
Importance of climate, forest fires and human population size in the Holocene boreal forest composition change in northern Europe
N Kuosmanen, H Seppä, T Alenius, RHW Bradshaw, JL Clear, ...
Boreas 45 (4), 688-702, 2016
Integration of dendrochronological and palaeoecological disturbance reconstructions in temperate mountain forests
N Kuosmanen, V Čada, K Halsall, RC Chiverrell, N Schafstall, P Kuneš, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 475, 118413, 2020
The role of climate-fuel feedbacks on Holocene biomass burning in upper-montane Carpathian forests
VA Carter, P Bobek, A Moravcová, A Šolcová, RC Chiverrell, JL Clear, ...
Global and Planetary Change 193, 103264, 2020
Late Glacial and Holocene records of tree-killing conifer bark beetles in Europe and North America: Implications for forest disturbance dynamics
N Schafstall, N Kuosmanen, CJ Fettig, M Knižek, JL Clear
The Holocene 30 (6), 847-857, 2020
Postglacial succession of caddisfly (Trichoptera) assemblages in a central European montane lake
D Vondrák, NB Schafstall, P Chvojka, RC Chiverrell, N Kuosmanen, ...
Biologia 74, 1325-1338, 2019
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