Jelmer Borst
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Toward a unified theory of the multitasking continuum: From concurrent performance to task switching, interruption, and resumption
DD Salvucci, NA Taatgen, JP Borst
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2009
The problem state: a cognitive bottleneck in multitasking.
JP Borst, NA Taatgen, H Van Rijn
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, memory, and cognition 36 (2), 363, 2010
Too much control can hurt: A threaded cognition model of the attentional blink
NA Taatgen, I Juvina, M Schipper, JP Borst, S Martens
Cognitive psychology 59 (1), 1-29, 2009
What makes interruptions disruptive? A process-model account of the effects of the problem state bottleneck on task interruption and resumption
JP Borst, NA Taatgen, H van Rijn
Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference on human factors in computing …, 2015
Stroop and picture—word interference are two sides of the same coin
L van Maanen, H van Rijn, JP Borst
Psychonomic bulletin & review 16, 987-999, 2009
Predicting task-general mind-wandering with EEG
CY Jin, JP Borst, MK Van Vugt
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 19, 1059-1073, 2019
Using model-based functional MRI to locate working memory updates and declarative memory retrievals in the fronto-parietal network
JP Borst, JR Anderson
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (5), 1628-1633, 2013
Single-task fMRI overlap predicts concurrent multitasking interference
M Nijboer, J Borst, H van Rijn, N Taatgen
NeuroImage 100, 60-74, 2014
The discovery of processing stages: Extension of Sternberg’s method.
JR Anderson, Q Zhang, JP Borst, MM Walsh
Psychological review 123 (5), 481, 2016
Using the ACT-R Cognitive Architecture in combination with fMRI data
JP Borst, JR Anderson
An introduction to model-based cognitive neuroscience, 339-352, 2015
What happens when we switch tasks: Pupil dilation in multitasking.
I Katidioti, JP Borst, NA Taatgen
Journal of experimental psychology: applied 20 (4), 380, 2014
Pupil dilation co-varies with memory strength of individual traces in a delayed response paired-associate task
H Van Rijn, JR Dalenberg, JP Borst, SA Sprenger
PLoS One 7 (12), e51134, 2012
The discovery of processing stages: Analyzing EEG data with hidden semi-Markov models
JP Borst, JR Anderson
NeuroImage 108, 60-73, 2015
A step-by-step tutorial on using the cognitive architecture ACT-R in combination with fMRI data
JP Borst, JR Anderson
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 76, 94-103, 2017
Decision making in concurrent multitasking: do people adapt to task interference?
M Nijboer, NA Taatgen, A Brands, JP Borst, H van Rijn
PloS one 8 (11), e79583, 2013
Interrupt me: External interruptions are less disruptive than self-interruptions
I Katidioti, JP Borst, MK Van Vugt, NA Taatgen
Computers in Human Behavior 63, 906-915, 2016
Driving and multitasking: the good, the bad, and the dangerous
M Nijboer, JP Borst, H Van Rijn, NA Taatgen
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1718, 2016
The neural correlates of problem states: Testing fMRI predictions of a computational model of multitasking
JP Borst, NA Taatgen, A Stocco, H Van Rijn
PloS one 5 (9), e12966, 2010
Strategies for memory-based decision making: Modeling behavioral and neural signatures within a cognitive architecture
HB Fechner, T Pachur, LJ Schooler, K Mehlhorn, C Battal, KG Volz, ...
Cognition 157, 77-99, 2016
Using data-driven model-brain mappings to constrain formal models of cognition
JP Borst, M Nijboer, NA Taatgen, H van Rijn, JR Anderson
PLoS One 10 (3), e0119673, 2015
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