Josef Lazar
Josef Lazar
Inst. of Nanobiology and Structural Biology
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Discrimination of pheromone enantiomers by two pheromone binding proteins from the gypsy moth Lymantria dispar
E Plettner, J Lazar, EG Prestwich, GD Prestwich
Biochemistry 39 (30), 8953-8962, 2000
Two-photon polarization microscopy reveals protein structure and function
J Lazar, A Bondar, S Timr, SJ Firestein
Nature methods 8 (8), 684-690, 2011
SRp38 regulates alternative splicing and is required for Ca2+ handling in the embryonic heart
Y Feng, MT Valley, J Lazar, AL Yang, RT Bronson, S Firestein, ...
Developmental cell 16 (4), 528-538, 2009
Molecular and functional characterization of an odorant binding protein of the Asian elephant, Elephas maximus: implications for the role of lipocalins in mammalian olfaction
J Lazar, DR Greenwood, LEL Rasmussen, GD Prestwich
Biochemistry 41 (39), 11786-11794, 2002
Mechanistic studies of the genetically encoded fluorescent protein voltage probe ArcLight
Z Han, L Jin, F Chen, JJ Loturco, LB Cohen, A Bondar, J Lazar, ...
PloS one 9 (11), e113873, 2014
Olfactory adventures of elephantine pheromones
LEL Rasmussen, J Lazar, DR Greenwood
Biochemical Society Transactions 31 (1), 137-141, 2003
Elephant albumin: a multipurpose pheromone shuttle
J Lazar, LEL Rasmussen, DR Greenwood, IS Bang, GD Prestwich
Chemistry & biology 11 (8), 1093-1100, 2004
Dissociated GαGTP and Gβγ protein subunits are the major activated form of heterotrimeric Gi/o proteins
A Bondar, J Lazar
Journal of Biological Chemistry 289 (3), 1271-1281, 2014
The N-terminal region (A/B) of rat thyroid hormone receptors alpha 1, beta 1, but not beta 2 contains a strong thyroid hormone-dependent transactivation function.
H Tomura, J Lazar, M Phyillaier, VM Nikodem
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92 (12), 5600-5604, 1995
Accurate determination of the orientational distribution of a fluorescent molecule in a phospholipid membrane
S Timr, A Bondar, L Cwiklik, M Stefl, M Hof, M Vazdar, J Lazar, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (4), 855-863, 2014
Directionality of light absorption and emission in representative fluorescent proteins
J Myšková, O Rybakova, J Brynda, P Khoroshyy, A Bondar, J Lazar
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (51), 32395-32401, 2020
The G protein Gi1 exhibits basal coupling but not preassembly with G protein-coupled receptors
A Bondar, J Lazar
Journal of Biological Chemistry 292 (23), 9690-9698, 2017
The activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Na+, K+/H+ antiporter Nha1 is negatively regulated by 14-3-3 protein binding at serine 481
A Smidova, K Stankova, O Petrvalska, J Lazar, H Sychrova, T Obsil, ...
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Molecular Cell Research 1866 (12), 118534, 2019
Nonlinear optical properties of fluorescent dyes allow for accurate determination of their molecular orientations in phospholipid membranes
S Timr, J Brabec, A Bondar, T Ryba, M Zelezny, J Lazar, P Jungwirth
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 119 (30), 9706-9716, 2015
α, α‐Disubstituted Allyl Sulfones: An approach to the synthesis of vinyl‐branched pheromone analogues
M Hoskovec, B Koutek, J Lazar, L Streinz, E Brožová, B Kalinová, J Vrkoč
Helvetica chimica acta 77 (5), 1281-1287, 1994
Quantitative linear dichroism imaging of molecular processes in living cells made simple by open software tools
A Bondar, O Rybakova, J Melcr, J Dohnálek, P Khoroshyy, O Ticháček, ...
Communications biology 4 (1), 189, 2021
Initial characterizations of secreted proteins from Asian elephants that bind the sex pheromone,(Z)-7-dodecenyl acetate
LEL Rasmussen, J Lazar, D Greenwood, L Feng, GD Prestwich
Chem. Senses 23 (5), 591, 1998
Optical sensors of heterotrimeric G protein signaling
A Bondar, J Lazar
The FEBS Journal 288 (8), 2570-2584, 2021
Estimation of critical properties from the number of carbon atoms in homologous series
B Koutek, M Hoskovec, J Lazar
Collection of Czechoslovak chemical communications 59 (7), 1483-1494, 1994
Elephant sex pheromone transport and recognition
J Lazar
The University of Utah, 2001
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