Harsh Purwar
Harsh Purwar
High Energy Phys Grp, Dept. of Phys & Astr, Univ. of Hawaii at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI, USA
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Quantitative fluorescence and elastic scattering tissue polarimetry using an Eigenvalue calibrated spectroscopic Mueller matrix system
J Soni, H Purwar, H Lakhotia, S Chandel, C Banerjee, U Kumar, N Ghosh
Optics express 21 (13), 15475-15489, 2013
Comparative study of differential matrix and extended polar decomposition formalisms for polarimetric characterization of complex tissue-like turbid media
S Kumar, H Purwar, R Ossikovski, IA Vitkin, N Ghosh
Journal of Biomedical Optics 17 (10), 105006, 2012
Precise Measurement of the and Lifetimes at Belle II
F Abudinén, I Adachi, K Adamczyk, L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, ...
Physical review letters 127 (21), 211801, 2021
Collinear, two-color optical Kerr effect shutter for ultrafast time-resolved imaging
H Purwar, S Idlahcen, C Rozé, D Sedarsky, JB Blaisot
Optics express 22 (13), 15778-15790, 2014
Evidence for decays
I Adachi, K Adamczyk, L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, N Akopov, ...
Physical Review D 109 (11), 112006, 2024
Search for an Invisible in a Final State with Two Muons and Missing Energy at Belle II
I Adachi, K Adamczyk, L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, N Akopov, ...
Physical review letters 130 (23), 231801, 2023
Measurement of lepton mass squared moments in decays with the Belle II experiment
F Abudinén, K Adamczyk, L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, N Akopov, ...
Physical Review D 107 (7), 072002, 2023
Test of lepton flavor universality with a measurement of using hadronic tagging at the Belle II experiment
I Adachi, K Adamczyk, L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, N Akopov, ...
Physical Review D 110 (7), 072020, 2024
Search for Lepton-Flavor-Violating Decays to a Lepton and an Invisible Boson at Belle II
I Adachi, K Adamczyk, L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, N Akopov, ...
Physical review letters 130 (18), 181803, 2023
Quantitative polarimetry of plasmon resonant spheroidal metal nanoparticles: A Mueller matrix decomposition study
J Soni, H Purwar, N Ghosh
Optics Communications 285 (6), 1599-1607, 2011
Measurement of the -lepton mass with the Belle II experiment
I Adachi, K Adamczyk, L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, N Akopov, ...
Physical Review D 108 (3), 032006, 2023
Combined analysis of Belle and Belle II data to determine the CKM angle ϕ3 using B+ → D( h+h−)h+ decays
F Abudinén, L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, N Akopov, S Al Said, ...
Journal of High Energy Physics 2022 (2), 1-34, 2022
Test of Light-Lepton Universality in the Rates of Inclusive Semileptonic -Meson Decays at Belle II
L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, N Akopov, A Aloisio, N Anh Ky, ...
Physical review letters 131 (5), 051804, 2023
Observation of e+ e-→ ω χ b J (1 P) and search for X b→ ω ϒ (1 S) at s near 10.75 GeV
I Adachi, L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, N Akopov, A Aloisio, N Anh Ky, ...
Physical Review Letters 130 (9), 091902, 2023
Differing self-similarity in light scattering spectra: a potential tool for pre-cancer detection
S Ghosh, J Soni, H Purwar, J Jagtap, A Pradhan, N Ghosh, PK Panigrahi
Optics Express 19 (20), 19717-19730, 2011
Determination of using decays with Belle II
I Adachi, L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, N Akopov, A Aloisio, N Anh Ky, ...
Physical Review D 108 (9), 092013, 2023
Search for a Dark Photon and an Invisible Dark Higgs Boson in and Missing Energy Final States with the Belle II Experiment
F Abudinén, I Adachi, L Aggarwal, H Aihara, N Akopov, A Aloisio, ...
Physical review letters 130 (7), 071804, 2023
Measurement of the lifetime at Belle II
F Abudinén, I Adachi, L Aggarwal, H Ahmed, H Aihara, N Akopov, ...
Physical Review D 107 (3), L031103, 2023
Search for a long-lived spin-0 mediator in transitions at the Belle II experiment
I Adachi, K Adamczyk, L Aggarwal, H Aihara, N Akopov, A Aloisio, ...
Physical Review D 108 (11), L111104, 2023
Development and Eigenvalue calibration of an automated spectral Mueller matrix system for biomedical polarimetry
H Purwar, J Soni, H Lakhotia, S Chandel, C Banerjee, N Ghosh
Proceedings of SPIE 8230, 823019, 2012
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