Irina Vladimirovna Benedyk
Irina Vladimirovna Benedyk
Purdue University, SUNY at Buffalo
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The flying car—challenges and strategies toward future adoption
SS Ahmed, KF Hulme, G Fountas, U Eker, IV Benedyk, SE Still, ...
Frontiers in Built Environment 6, 106, 2020
Impacts of Pokémon GO on route and mode choice decisions: exploring the potential for integrating augmented reality, gamification, and social components in mobile apps to …
Y Guo, S Peeta, S Agrawal, I Benedyk
Transportation, 1-50, 2022
Paving the way for autonomous Vehicles: Understanding autonomous vehicle adoption and vehicle fuel choice under user heterogeneity
Y Guo, D Souders, S Labi, S Peeta, I Benedyk, Y Li
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 154, 364-398, 2021
A temporal instability analysis of environmental factors affecting accident occurrences during snow events: The random parameters hazard-based duration model with means and …
J Pang, A Krathaus, I Benedyk, SS Ahmed, PC Anastasopoulos
Analytic methods in accident research 34, 100215, 2022
A binary probit model to analyze freight transportation decision-maker perspectives for container shipping on the Northern Sea Route
IV Benedyk, S Peeta
Maritime Economics & Logistics 20, 358-374, 2018
Safety and health perceptions of location-based augmented reality gaming app and their implications
Y Guo, S Agrawal, S Peeta, I Benedyk
Accident Analysis & Prevention 161, 106354, 2021
Dynamic model for system-level strategic intermodal facility investment planning
IV Benedyk, S Peeta, H Zheng, Y Guo, AV Iyer
Transportation Research Record 2548 (1), 24-34, 2016
Evaluating the cognitive and psychological effects of real-time auditory travel information on drivers using EEG
S Agrawal, S Peeta, I Benedyk
Behaviour & Information Technology 42 (10), 1617-1639, 2023
Driving simulator based interactive experiments: Understanding driver behavior, cognition and technology uptake under information and communication technologies
S Agrawal, D Song, S Peeta, I Benedyk
NEXTRANS Center (US), 2018
A binary probit model to analyze shipper and forwarding company perspectives for container shipping on the Northern Sea route
IV Benedyk, S Peeta
Transportation Research Board 95th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2016
Development of In-Vehicle Information Dissemination Mechanisms to Reduce Cognitive Burden in the Information-Rich Driving Environment
S Agrawal, I Benedyk, S Peeta
Risk management in a systems view of intermodal facility investment under uncertainty in freight commodity flow
IV Benedyk
Purdue University, 2015
Macroscopic State-Level Analysis of Pavement Roughness Using Time–Space Econometric Modeling Methods
M Fettahoglu, SS Ahmed, I Benedyk, PC Anastasopoulos
Sustainability 16 (20), 9071, 2024
Lessons learned from naturalistic driving data processing in a secure data enclave: Preliminary discoveries from analyzing dash camera videos
K Mahmood, J Pang, SS Ahmed, G Yu, MT Sarwar, I Benedyk, ...
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 106, 135-149, 2024
Design of Urban Landscape and Road Networks to Accommodate CAVs
Y Guo, D Souders, S Labi, S Peeta, I Benedyk
The Flying Car–Challenges and Strategies towards Future Adoption
S Shahriar Ahmed, K Hulme, G Fountas, U Eker, I Benedyk, S Still, ...
Frontiers Media, 2020
Modeling Driver Physiological State Using EEG Under Auditory Real-time Travel Information Provision
S Agrawal, I Benedyk, S Peeta, G Tech
Nextrans, 2019
Evaluating the Impacts of Driver Cognitive and Physiological State on Decision Making Behavior under Real Time Travel Information
S Agrawal, I Benedyk, S Peet, DY Song
Nextrans, 2018
Quantifying the Impacts of Real Time Travel Information on Route Choice Behavior Using Psychophysiological Analysis
S Agrawal, I Benedyk, DY Song, S Peet
Nextrans, 2017
Intermodal Infrastructure Investment Decisions and Linkage to Economic Competitiveness
IV Benedyk, S Peeta, H Zheng, Y Guo, AV Iyer
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