Tapani Repo
Tapani Repo
Senior Researcher, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke)
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Genetic variation in cessation of growth and frost hardiness and consequences for adaptation of Pinus sylvestris to climatic changes
O Savolainen, F Bokma, R Garcı́a-Gil, P Komulainen, T Repo
Forest Ecology and Management 197 (1-3), 79-89, 2004
Climatic adaptation of bud set and frost hardiness in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris)
P Hurme, T Repo, O Savolainen, T Pääkkönen
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 27 (5), 716-723, 1997
The effects of long‐term elevation of air temperature and CO on the frost hardiness of Scots pine
T Repo, H Hänninen, S Kellomäki
Plant, Cell & Environment 19 (2), 209-216, 1996
The electrical impedance spectroscopy of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) shoots in relation to cold acclimation
T Repo, G Zhang, A Ryyppö, R Rikala
Journal of Experimental Botany 51 (353), 2095-2107, 2000
Effects of freeze-thaw injury on parameters of distributed electrical circuits of stems and needles of Scots pine seedlings at different stages of acclimation
T Repo, MIN Zhang, A Ryyppö, E Vapaavuori, S Sutinen
Journal of Experimental Botany 45 (6), 823-833, 1994
The relation between growth cessation and frost hardening in Scots pines of different origins
T Repo, G Zhang, A Ryyppö, R Rikala, M Vuorinen
Trees 14, 456-464, 2000
Development of freezing tolerance in roots and shoots of Scots pine seedlings at nonfreezing temperatures
A Ryyppö, T Repo, E Vapaavuori
Canadian journal of forest research 28 (4), 557-565, 1998
Seasonal changes of frost hardiness in Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris in Finland
T Repo
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 22 (12), 1949-1957, 1992
Genetic basis of climatic adaptation in Scots pine by Bayesian quantitative trait locus analysis
P Hurme, MJ Sillanpää, E Arjas, T Repo, O Savolainen
Genetics 156 (3), 1309-1322, 2000
Modelling of the dielectric properties of normal and irradiated skin
T Tamura, M Tenhunen, T Lahtinen, T Repo, HP Schwan
Physics in Medicine & biology 39 (6), 927, 1994
Seasonal variation in the frost hardiness of Scots pine and Norway spruce in old provenance experiments in Finland
E Beuker, E Valtonen, T Repo
Forest Ecology and Management 107 (1-3), 87-98, 1998
Methods for measuring cold hardiness of conifers
KE Burr, CDB Hawkins, SJ L’Hirondelle, WD Binder, MF George, T Repo
Conifer cold hardiness, 369-401, 2001
Changing environmental effects on frost hardiness of Scots pine during dehardening
I Leinonen, T Repo, H Hänninen
Annals of Botany 79 (2), 133-138, 1997
Modelling woody plant tissues5
T Repo, MIN Zhang
Journal of experimental botany 44 (5), 977-982, 1993
Estimation of standard error of impedance‐estimated frost resistance
T Repo, J Lappi
Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 4 (1-4), 67-74, 1989
Analysis of the willow root system by electrical impedance spectroscopy
Y Cao, T Repo, R Silvennoinen, T Lehto, P Pelkonen
Journal of experimental botany 62 (1), 351-358, 2011
An appraisal of the electrical resistance method for assessing root surface area
Y Cao, T Repo, R Silvennoinen, T Lehto, P Pelkonen
Journal of Experimental Botany 61 (9), 2491-2497, 2010
Measurement of the tree root growth using electrical impedance spectroscopy
T Repo, J Laukkanen, R Silvennoinen
Finnish Society of Forest Science, 2005
Electrical impedance analysis in plant tissues: on the biological meaning of Cole-Cole α in Scots pine needles
MIN Zhang, T Repo, JHM Willison, S Sutinen
European Biophysics Journal 24, 99-106, 1995
Cold acclimation of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) at its northernmost distribution range
T Repo, K Mononen, L Alvila, TT Pakkanen, H Hänninen
Environmental and Experimental Botany 63 (1-3), 59-70, 2008
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