Rachel Whitsed
Rachel Whitsed
Faculty of Science and Health, Charles Sturt University
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Socio-economics and vegetation change in urban ecosystems: patterns in space and time
GW Luck, LT Smallbone, R O’Brien
Ecosystems 12, 604-620, 2009
Bank branch closures in New Zealand: the application of a spatial interaction model
PS Morrison, R O’Brien
Applied Geography 21 (4), 301-330, 2001
Presence-only species distribution models are sensitive to sample prevalence: Evaluating models using spatial prediction stability and accuracy metrics
L Grimmett, R Whitsed, A Horta
Ecological Modelling 431, 109194, 2020
Is precision agriculture irrelevant to developing countries?
SE Cook, R O’Brien, RJ Corner, T Oberthur
Precision agriculture, 115-119, 2003
The impact of COVID-19 on the Australian outdoor recreation industry from the perspective of practitioners
DHR Spennemann, R Whitsed
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 41, 100445, 2023
A hybrid genetic algorithm with local optimiser improves calibration of a vegetation change cellular automata model
R Whitsed, LT Smallbone
International Journal of Geographical Information Science 31 (4), 717-737, 2017
Small‐scale species distribution model identifies restricted breeding habitat for an endemic island bird
RD Segal, M Massaro, N Carlile, R Whitsed
Animal Conservation 24 (6), 959-969, 2021
Post‐reintroduction distribution and habitat preferences of a spatially limited island bird species
M Massaro, A Chick, ES Kennedy, R Whitsed
Animal Conservation 21 (1), 54-64, 2018
DIVA-GIS version 5.4. 0.1
RJ Hijmans, L Guarino, A Jarvis, R O’Brien, P Mathur, C Bussink, M Cruz, ...
Online at http://www. diva-gis. org, 2005
Spatial decision support for selecting tropical crops and forages in uncertain environments
RA O'Brien
Curtin University, 2004
Enhancing the usability and benefits of open space for older people in regional Australia
A Knight, R Black, R Whitsed, R Harvey
Australian Planner 55 (2), 73-83, 2018
DIVA-GIS ver. 5.4
RJ Hijmans, L Guarino, A Jarvis, R O’Brien, P Mathur, C Bussink, M Cruz, ...
Available via http: diva-gis. org, 2005
RJ Hijmans, L Guarino, A Jarvis, R O’brien, P Mathur, C Bussink, M Cruz, ...
A geographic information system for the analysis of species distribution …, 2005
Geographical analyses to explore interactions between inherent coffee quality and production environment
P Laderach, P Vaast, T Oberthür, R O’Brien, A Nelson, LDL Estrada
21st International Conference of Coffee Science ASIC, 2006
Probability modelling to reduce decision uncertainty in environmental niche identification and driving factor analysis: CaNaSTA case studies
K Atzmanstorfer, T Oberthür, PRD Läderach, R O'Brien, L Collet, ...
Wichmann Verlag, 2006
DIVA-GIS 7.1. 7
RJ Hijmans, L Guarino, A Jarvis, R O’Brien, P Mathur, C Bussink, M Cruz, ...
Available in http://www. diva-gis. org, 2005
Further development and application of a GIS based river environment classification system
T Snelder, M Weatherhead, R O’Brien, U Shankar, B Biggs, P Mosley
NIWA Client Report CHC99/41 (unpublished), 1999
Creating virtual species to test species distribution models: the importance of landscape structure, dispersal and population processes
L Grimmett, R Whitsed, A Horta
Ecography 44 (5), 753-765, 2021
Review of the reporting of ecological effects of rodent eradications on Australian and New Zealand islands
RD Segal, R Whitsed, M Massaro
Pacific Conservation Biology 28 (1), 4-14, 2021
Visualising uncertainty in spatial decision support
R O’Brien
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Spatial Accuracy …, 2008
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