Harald Tauchmann
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Simar and Wilson two-stage efficiency analysis for Stata
O Badunenko, H Tauchmann
The Stata Journal 19 (4), 950-988, 2019
Workforce reduction, subjective job insecurity, and mental health
AR Reichert, H Tauchmann
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 133, 187-212, 2017
Partial frontier efficiency analysis
H Tauchmann
Stata Journal 12 (3), 461-478, 2012
Lee (2009) treatment-effect bounds for nonrandom sample selection
H Tauchmann
The Stata Journal 14 (4), 884-894, 2014
Elasticities of market shares and social health insurance choice in Germany: a dynamic panel data approach
M Tamm, H Tauchmann, J Wasem, S Greß
Health economics 16 (3), 243-256, 2007
Tobacco and alcohol: complements or substitutes? A structural model approach to insufficient price variation in individual-level data
H Tauchmann, S Lenz, T Requate, CM Schmidt
Empirical Economics 45, 539-566, 2013
Efficiency of two-step estimators for censored systems of equations: Shonkwiler and Yen reconsidered
H Tauchmann
Applied Economics 37 (4), 367-374, 2005
Smoking initiation in Germany: the role of intergenerational transmission
S Göhlmann, CM Schmidt, H Tauchmann
Health economics 19 (2), 227-242, 2010
Federal state differentials in the efficiency of health production in Germany: an artifact of spatial dependence?
S Felder, H Tauchmann
The European journal of health economics 14, 21-39, 2013
Consistency of Heckman-type two-step estimators for the multivariate sample-selection model
H Tauchmann
Applied Economics 42 (30), 3895-3902, 2010
Who responds to financial incentives for weight loss? Evidence from a randomized controlled trial
AR Paloyo, AR Reichert, M Reuss-Borst, H Tauchmann
Social Science & Medicine 145, 44-52, 2015
Heterogeneity in the intergenerational transmission of alcohol consumption: A quantile regression approach
CM Schmidt, H Tauchmann
Journal of Health Economics 30 (1), 33-42, 2011
Effizienzreserven im Gesundheitswesen
B Augurzky, H Tauchmann, A Werblow, S Felder
RWI Materialien, 2009
The causal link between financial incentives and weight loss: An evidence‐based survey of the literature
AR Paloyo, AR Reichert, H Reinermann, H Tauchmann
Journal of Economic Surveys 28 (3), 401-420, 2014
Does money burn fat?–Evidence from a randomized experiment
B Augurzky, TK Bauer, AR Reichert, CM Schmidt, H Tauchmann
Evidence from a Randomized Experiment (September 1, 2012). Ruhr Economic Paper, 2012
Self‐perceived job insecurity and the demand for medical rehabilitation: does fear of unemployment reduce health care utilization?
AR Reichert, B Augurzky, H Tauchmann
Health Economics 24 (1), 8-25, 2015
Who opts out of the statutory health insurance? A discrete time hazard model for Germany
C Bünnings, H Tauchmann
Health economics 24 (10), 1331-1347, 2015
Innovationen für eine nachhaltige Wasserwirtschaft: Einflussfaktoren und Handlungsbedarf
H Tauchmann, J Hafkesbrink, P Nisipeanu, M Thomzik, A Bäumer, ...
Springer-Verlag, 2006
The role of prices relative to supplemental benefits and service quality in health plan choice
C Bünnings, H Schmitz, H Tauchmann, NR Ziebarth
Journal of Risk and Insurance 86 (2), 415-449, 2019
Firing the furnace? An econometric analysis of utilities’ fuel choice
H Tauchmann
Energy policy 34 (18), 3898-3909, 2006
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