Kingshuk Mukherjee
Kingshuk Mukherjee
Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida
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Augmentative and Alternative Communication device based on eye-blink detection and conversion to Morse-code to aid paralyzed individuals
K Mukherjee, D Chatterjee
2015 International Conference on Communication, Information & Computing …, 2015
Mobilization of antibiotic resistance: are current approaches for colocalizing resistomes and mobilomes useful?
IB Slizovskiy, K Mukherjee, CJ Dean, C Boucher, NR Noyes
Frontiers in microbiology 11, 1376, 2020
Anti-theft vehicle tracking and immobilization system
K Mukherjee
2014 International Conference on Power, Control and Embedded Systems (ICPCES …, 2014
Counting motifs in dynamic networks
K Mukherjee, MM Hasan, C Boucher, T Kahveci
BMC systems biology 12, 1-12, 2018
Error correcting optical mapping data
K Mukherjee, D Washimkar, MD Muggli, L Salmela, C Boucher
GigaScience 7 (6), giy061, 2018
Fast and accurate correction of optical mapping data via spaced seeds
L Salmela, K Mukherjee, SJ Puglisi, MD Muggli, C Boucher
Bioinformatics 36 (3), 682-689, 2020
Aligning optical maps to de Bruijn graphs
K Mukherjee, B Alipanahi, T Kahveci, L Salmela, C Boucher
Bioinformatics 35 (18), 3250-3256, 2019
Effective estimation of driver drowsiness based on eye status detection and analysis
K Mukherjee, R Karmakar, S Das
2014 International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Communications …, 2014
ONeSAMP 3.0: estimation of effective population size via single nucleotide polymorphism data from one population
A Hong, RG Cheek, SN De Silva, K Mukherjee, I Yooseph, M Oliva, ...
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 14 (10), jkae153, 2024
Fast and Efficient Rmap Assembly using the Bi-labelled de Bruijn Graph
K Mukherjee, M Rossi, L Salmela, C Boucher
20th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2020) 172 …, 2020
Centralized remote monitoring of electrostatic precipitators to enforce proper usage
K Mukherjee, NK Roy, S Das
2014 International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology …, 2014
ONeSAMP 3.0: Effective Population Size via SNP Data for One Population Sample
A Hong, RG Cheek, K Mukherjee, I Yooseph, M Oliva, M Heim, WC Funk, ...
bioRxiv, 2023.09. 14.557784, 2023
Finding Overlapping Rmaps via Clustering
K Mukherjee, D Dole-Muinos, M Rossi, A Ajayi, M Prosperi, C Boucher
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 19 (6 …, 2021
Finding Overlapping Rmaps via Gaussian Mixture Model Clustering
K Mukherjee, M Rossi, D Dole-Muinos, A Ajayi, M Prosperi, C Boucher
bioRxiv, 2021.07. 16.452722, 2021
Algorithms for Single-Molecule Optical Maps
K Mukherjee
University of Florida, 2021
Supporting data for" Mobilization of antibiotic resistance: Are current approaches co-localizing microbial resistomes and mobilomes useful?"
IB Slizovskiy, K Mukherjee, CJ Dean, C Boucher, NR Noyes
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