Glenn Fitzgerald
Glenn Fitzgerald
Senior Research Scientist, Agriculture Victoria & Associate Professor, University of Melbourne
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Increasing CO2 threatens human nutrition
SS Myers, A Zanobetti, I Kloog, P Huybers, ADB Leakey, AJ Bloom, ...
Nature 510 (7503), 139-142, 2014
Climate change impact and adaptation for wheat protein
S Asseng, P Martre, A Maiorano, RP Rötter, GJ O’Leary, GJ Fitzgerald, ...
Global change biology 25 (1), 155-173, 2019
Measuring and predicting canopy nitrogen nutrition in wheat using a spectral index—The canopy chlorophyll content index (CCCI)
G Fitzgerald, D Rodriguez, G O’Leary
Field crops research 116 (3), 318-324, 2010
Remote sensing of nitrogen and water stress in wheat
AK Tilling, GJ O’Leary, JG Ferwerda, SD Jones, GJ Fitzgerald, ...
Field Crops Research 104 (1-3), 77-85, 2007
Models of grain quality in wheat—A review
JG Nuttall, GJ O'leary, JF Panozzo, CK Walker, KM Barlow, GJ Fitzgerald
Field crops research 202, 136-145, 2017
Spectral and thermal sensing for nitrogen and water status in rainfed and irrigated wheat environments
GJ Fitzgerald, D Rodriguez, LK Christensen, R Belford, VO Sadras, ...
Precision agriculture 7, 233-248, 2006
Response of wheat growth, grain yield and water use to elevated CO2 under a Free‐Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) experiment and modelling in a semi‐arid …
GJ O'Leary, B Christy, J Nuttall, N Huth, D Cammarano, C Stöckle, ...
Global change biology 21 (7), 2670-2686, 2015
Detection of nitrogen deficiency in wheat from spectral reflectance indices and basic crop eco-physiological concepts
D Rodriguez, GJ Fitzgerald, R Belford, LK Christensen
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 57 (7), 781-789, 2006
Elevated atmospheric [CO2] can dramatically increase wheat yields in semi‐arid environments and buffer against heat waves
GJ Fitzgerald, M Tausz, G O'Leary, MR Mollah, S Tausz‐Posch, ...
Global change biology 22 (6), 2269-2284, 2016
Cotton irrigation scheduling using remotely sensed and FAO-56 basal crop coefficients
DJ Hunsaker, EM Barnes, TR Clarke, GJ Fitzgerald, PJ Pinter Jr
Transactions of the ASAE 48 (4), 1395-1407, 2005
Multimodel ensembles improve predictions of crop–environment–management interactions
D Wallach, P Martre, B Liu, S Asseng, F Ewert, PJ Thorburn, ...
Global change biology 24 (11), 5072-5083, 2018
Technology, complexity and change in agricultural production systems
GF Sassenrath, P Heilman, E Luschei, GL Bennett, G Fitzgerald, P Klesius, ...
Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 23 (4), 285-295, 2008
Rising atmospheric CO2 concentration affects mineral nutrient and protein concentration of wheat grain
N Fernando, J Panozzo, M Tausz, R Norton, G Fitzgerald, S Seneweera
Food Chemistry 133 (4), 1307-1311, 2012
Virus disease in wheat predicted to increase with a changing climate
P Trębicki, N Nancarrow, E Cole, NA Bosque‐Pérez, FE Constable, ...
Global change biology 21 (9), 3511-3519, 2015
Understanding crop physiology to select breeding targets and improve crop management under increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations
M Tausz, S Tausz-Posch, RM Norton, GJ Fitzgerald, ME Nicolas, ...
Environmental and Experimental Botany 88, 71-80, 2013
Assessing the robustness of vegetation indices to estimate wheat N in Mediterranean environments
D Cammarano, GJ Fitzgerald, R Casa, B Basso
Remote Sensing 6 (4), 2827-2844, 2014
Trap evaluations for thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae)
TY Chen, CC Chu, G Fitzgerald, ET Natwick, TJ Henneberry
Environmental Entomology 33 (5), 1416-1420, 2004
Elevated CO2 alters grain quality of two bread wheat cultivars grown under different environmental conditions
N Fernando, J Panozzo, M Tausz, RM Norton, N Neumann, GJ Fitzgerald, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 185, 24-33, 2014
Spider mite detection and canopy component mapping in cotton using hyperspectral imagery and spectral mixture analysis
GJ Fitzgerald, SJ Maas, WR Detar
Precision Agriculture 5, 275-289, 2004
Impacts of elevated atmospheric CO2 on nutrient content of important food crops
LH Dietterich, A Zanobetti, I Kloog, P Huybers, ADB Leakey, AJ Bloom, ...
Scientific data 2 (1), 1-8, 2015
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