Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Jose L BadanoWeitere Informationen
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Hypomorphic mutations in syndromic encephalocele genes are associated with Bardet-Biedl syndrome
CC Leitch, NA Zaghloul, EE Davis, C Stoetzel, A Diaz-Font, S Rix, ...
Nature genetics 40 (4), 443-448, 2008
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Functional analyses of variants reveal a significant role for dominant negative and common alleles in oligogenic Bardet–Biedl syndrome
NA Zaghloul, Y Liu, JM Gerdes, C Gascue, EC Oh, CC Leitch, Y Bromberg, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (23), 10602-10607, 2010
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Basal body proteins regulate Notch signaling through endosomal trafficking
CC Leitch, S Lodh, V Prieto-Echagüe, JL Badano, NA Zaghloul
Journal of cell science 127 (11), 2407-2419, 2014
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Epistasis between RET and BBS mutations modulates enteric innervation and causes syndromic Hirschsprung disease
L De Pontual, NA Zaghloul, S Thomas, EE Davis, DM Mcgaughey, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (33), 13921-13926, 2009
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Pervasive genetic interactions modulate neurodevelopmental defects of the autism-associated 16p11.2 deletion in Drosophila melanogaster
J Iyer, MD Singh, M Jensen, P Patel, L Pizzo, E Huber, H Koerselman, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2548, 2018
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Direct role of Bardet–Biedl syndrome proteins in transcriptional regulation
C Gascue, PL Tan, M Cardenas-Rodriguez, G Libisch, ...
Journal of cell science 125 (2), 362-375, 2012
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Cystic diseases of the kidney: ciliary dysfunction and cystogenic mechanisms
C Gascue, N Katsanis, JL Badano
Pediatric Nephrology 26 (8), 1181-1195, 2011
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
The Bardet–Biedl syndrome-related protein CCDC28B modulates mTORC2 function and interacts with SIN1 to control cilia length independently of the mTOR complex
M Cardenas-Rodriguez, F Irigoín, DPS Osborn, C Gascue, N Katsanis, ...
Human molecular genetics 22 (20), 4031-4042, 2013
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Wellcome Trust
BBS4 regulates the expression and secretion of FSTL1, a protein that participates in ciliogenesis and the differentiation of 3T3-L1
V Prieto-Echagüe, S Lodh, L Colman, N Bobba, L Santos, N Katsanis, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 9765, 2017
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
An effective COVID-19 response in South America: the uruguayan conundrum
P Moreno, G Moratorio, G Iraola, Á Fajardo, F Aldunate, M Pereira-Gómez, ...
MedRxiv, 2020.07. 24.20161802, 2020
Mandate: Government of Spain
Kinesin 1 regulates cilia length through an interaction with the Bardet-Biedl syndrome related protein CCDC28B
R Novas, M Cardenas-Rodriguez, P Lepanto, M Fabregat, M Rodao, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3019, 2018
Mandate: Government of Spain
Ribonomic analysis of human DZIP1 reveals its involvement in ribonucleoprotein complexes and stress granules
P ShigunovShigunov, J Sotelo-Silveira, MA Stimamiglio, C Kuligovski, ...
BMC molecular biology 15, 1-14, 2014
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
A novel form of Deleted in breast cancer 1 (DBC1) lacking the N-terminal domain does not bind SIRT1 and is dynamically regulated in vivo
L Santos, L Colman, P Contreras, CC Chini, A Carlomagno, A Leyva, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 14381, 2019
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Functional analysis of new human Bardet-Biedl syndrome loci specific variants in the zebrafish model
S Castro-Sánchez, P Suarez-Bregua, R Novas, M Álvarez-Satta, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 12936, 2019
Mandate: Government of Spain
Insights into in vivo adipocyte differentiation through cell-specific labeling in zebrafish
P Lepanto, F Levin-Ferreyra, U Koziol, L Malacrida, JL Badano
Biology Open 10 (9), bio058734, 2021
Mandate: Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Generation and characterization of Ccdc28b mutant mice links the Bardet-Biedl associated gene with mild social behavioral phenotypes
M Fabregat, S Niño-Rivero, S Pose, M Cárdenas-Rodríguez, M Bresque, ...
PLoS Genetics 18 (6), e1009896, 2022
Mandate: Government of Spain
Pervasive epistasis in cell proliferation pathways modulates neurodevelopmental defects of autism-associated 16p11. 2 deletion
J Iyer, MD Singh, M Jensen, P Patel, L Pizzo, E Huber, H Koerselman, ...
bioRxiv, 185355, 2017
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Generation and characterization of Ccdc28b mutant mice links the Bardet-Biedl associated gene with social behavioral phenotypes
M Fabregat, S Niño, S Pose, M Cárdenas-Rodríguez, C Smolen, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.10. 21.465251, 2021
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Government of Spain
Primary Cilium Submicron Organization and Dynamics
B Torrado, L Scipioni, E Gratton, JL Badano, LS Malacrida, F Irigoín
Biophysical Journal 118 (3), 437a, 2020
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
Intracellular Transport Characterization of the Transcription Factor Gli2 by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Approaches
B Torrado, L Malacrida, JL Badano, F Irigoín, E Gratton
Biophysical Journal 114 (3), 630a, 2018
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health
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