Université Grenoble 3
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Liaison acquisition, word segmentation and construction in French: a usage-based account
JP Chevrot, C Dugua, M Fayol
Journal of Child Language 36 (3), 557, 2010
Sex differences in language across early childhood: Family socioeconomic status does not impact boys and girls equally
S Barbu, A Nardy, JP Chevrot, B Guellaï, L Glas, J Juhel, A Lemasson
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1874, 2015
The acquisition of sociolinguistic variation: Looking back and thinking ahead
A Nardy, JP Chevrot, S Barbu
Linguistics 51 (2), 255-284, 2013
Pour un modèle de l'acquisition des liaisons basé sur l'usage: trois études de cas
JP Chevrot, D Chabanal, C Dugua
Journal of French Language Studies 17 (1), 103, 2007
Developmental data on a French sociolinguistic variable: Post-consonantal word-final/R
JP Chevrot, L Beaud, R Varga
Language variation and change 12 (03), 295-319, 2000
Liaison et formation des mots en français: un scénario développemental
JP Chevrot
Langages, 38-52, 2005
Uses and perceptions of machine translation at the European Commission
C Rossi, JP Chevrot
The Journal of specialised translation (JoSTrans), 2019
La liaison: acquisition, théorie phonologique, traitement automatique
JP Chevrot
Sociolinguistic convergence and social interactions within a group of preschoolers: A longitudinal study
A Nardy, JP Chevrot, S Barbu
Language Variation and Change 26 (3), 273-301, 2014
Les formes verbales homophones en/E/entre 8 et 15 ans: contraintes et conflits dans la construction des savoirs sur une difficulté orthographique majeure du français
C Brissaud, JP Chevrot, P Lefrançois
Langue française, 74-93, 2006
Developmental dynamics of SES-related differences in children’s production of obligatory and variable phonological alternations
JP Chevrot, A Nardy, S Barbu
Language Sciences 33 (1), 180-191, 2011
L'effet Buben: de la linguistique diachronique à l'approche cognitive (et retour)
JP Chevrot, I Malderez
Langue française 124 (1), 104-125, 1999
Social networks and acquisition of sociolinguistic variation in a study abroad context: A preliminary study
R Gautier, JP Chevrot
Social interaction, identity and language learning during residence abroad …, 2015
Acquisition of French liaison and related child errors
JP Chevrot, M Fayol
Research on child language acquisition 2, 760-774, 2001
Language evaluation and use during early childhood: Adhesion to social norms or integration of environmental regularities?
S Barbu, A Nardy, JP Chevrot, J Juhel
Linguistics 51 (2), 381-411, 2013
Socioeconomic dependencies of linguistic patterns in twitter: A multivariate analysis
JL Abitbol, M Karsai, JP Magué, JP Chevrot, E Fleury
Proceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference, 1125-1134, 2018
Liaison acquisition: debates, critical issues, future research
JP Chevrot, C Dugua, M Harnois-Delpiano, A Siccardi, E Spinelli
Language Sciences 39, 83-94, 2013
Introduction: Language acquisition and sociolinguistic variation
JP Chevrot, P Foulkes
Linguistics 51 (2), 251-254, 2013
L’acquisition de la liaison en L2: étude longitudinale chez des apprenants coréens de FLE et comparaison avec enfants francophones natifs.
M Harnois-Delpiano, C Cavalla, JP Chevrot
Models of visually grounded speech signal pay attention to nouns: A bilingual experiment on english and japanese
WN Havard, JP Chevrot, L Besacier
ICASSP 2019-2019 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2019
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