Reginaldo Durazo
Reginaldo Durazo
Researcher, Physical Oceanography, UABC
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Evolution of oceanographic conditions off Baja California: 1997–1999
R Durazo, TR Baumgartner
Progress in Oceanography 54 (1-4), 7-31, 2002
Multiple B-vitamin depletion in large areas of the coastal ocean
SA Sañudo-Wilhelmy, LS Cutter, R Durazo, EA Smail, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (35), 14041-14045, 2012
State of the California current 2014-15: Impacts of the warm-water" blob"
AW Leising, ID Schroeder, SJ Bograd, J Abell, R Durazo, ...
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Reports 56, 2015
Seasonality of the transitional region of the California Current System off Baja California
R Durazo
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 120 (2), 1173-1196, 2015
The state of the California Current in 1998-1999: Transition to cool-water conditions
TL Hayward, R Durazo, T Murphree, TR Baumgartner, G Gaxiola-Castro, ...
Seasonal variation of the temperature and salinity at the entrance to the Gulf of California, Mexico
R Castro, AS Mascarenhas, R Durazo, CA Collins
Ciencias Marinas 26 (4), 561-583, 2000
Lagrangian observations of the circulation in the northern Gulf of California
MF Lavín, R Durazo, E Palacios, ML Argote, L Carrillo
Journal of Physical Oceanography 27 (10), 2298-2305, 1997
The state of the California Current, 2005-2006: warm in the north, cool in the south
WT Peterson, R Emmett, R Goericke, E Venrick, A Mantyla, SJ Bograd, ...
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Report 47, 30, 2006
Oceanographic conditions west of the Baja California coast, 2002–2003: A weak El Niño and subarctic water enhancement
R Durazo, G Gaxiola-Castro, B Lavaniegos, R Castro-Valdez, ...
Cienc. Mar 31 (3), 537-552, 2005
The state of the California Current, 1999-2000: Forward to a new regime?
SJ Bograd, PM DiGiacomo, R Durazo, TL Hayward, KD Hyrenbach, ...
Reports of California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations 41, 26-52, 2000
Climatología de variables hidrográficas
R Durazo, AM Ramírez-Manguilar, LE Miranda, LA Soto-Mardones
Dinámica del ecosistema pelágico frente a Baja California 2007, 25-57, 2010
Observations of a cyclonic gyre in the western Irish Sea
AE Hill, R Durazo, DA Smeed
Continental Shelf Research 14 (5), 479-490, 1994
Thermohaline variability and geostrophic circulation in the southern portion of the Gulf of California
R Castro, R Durazo, A Mascarenhas, CA Collins, A Trasviña
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 53 (1), 188-200, 2006
Climate and upper ocean variability off Baja California, Mexico: 1997–2008
R Durazo
Progress in Oceanography 83 (1-4), 361-368, 2009
The state of the California Current, 2002-2003: Tropical and subarctic influences vie for dominance
E Venrick, SJ Bograd, D Checkley, R Durazo, G Gaxiola-Castro, J Hunter, ...
California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Report, 28-60, 2003
State of the California Current 2009-2010: Regional variation persists through transition from La Niña to El Niño (and back?)
EP Bjorkstedt, R Goericke, S McClatchie, E Weber, W Watson, N Lo, ...
Dynamics of tidal mixing fronts in the North Sea
AE Hill, ID James, PF Linden, JP Matthews, D Prandle, JH Simpson, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A …, 1993
Effects of the 2013-2016 warm anomalies on the California Current phytoplankton
E Gómez-Ocampo, G Gaxiola-Castro, R Durazo, E Beier
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 151, 64-76, 2018
The making of a productivity hotspot in the coastal ocean
DK Wingfield, SH Peckham, DG Foley, DM Palacios, BE Lavaniegos, ...
PloS one 6 (11), e27874, 2011
Analysis of the mesoscale structure in the IMECOCAL region (off Baja California) from hydrographic, ADCP and altimetry data
L Soto-Mardones, A Parés-Sierra, J Garcia, R Durazo, S Hormazabal
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 51 (6-9), 785-798, 2004
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