Shadi Abdel-Gawad
Shadi Abdel-Gawad
Sonstige NamenShady Sayed, Shady Gawad
Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta
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Zitiert von
Finite element analysis: thermomechanics of solids
DW Nicholson, S Gawad
Finite element analysis: thermomechanics of solids, 2008
Inverse robot calibration using artificial neural networks
X Zhong, J Lewis, FL N-Nagy, S Gawad
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 9 (1), 83-93, 1996
Robot kinematic calibration accuracy using genetic algorithm
S Samak, S Elsayed
Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 4359 …, 2001
Kinematic Perturbations on Robot Precision
S SAMAK, S EL-SAYED, S El-Shakery, M El-Dardierie
International Journal of Robotics Research 5, 5-13, 1986
An improved model of thin cylindrical piezoelectric layers between isotropic elastic media
S Abdel-Gawad, X Wang
International journal of solids and structures 50 (24), 4118-4132, 2013
On the pseudo-incident wave technique for interacting inhomogeneities in electromechanical problems
X Wang, H Yu, S Abdel-Gawad, C Wang
COUPLED VI: proceedings of the VI International Conference on Computational …, 2015
Improved personal health data collection
C Elliott, ME Jones, S Gawad, G Klein, D Clerk, P Bauser
US Patent App. 17/786,955, 2023
Personal health data collection
C Elliott, ME Jones, M Nagoga, S Gawad, M Bennett
US Patent 12,089,958, 2024
Personal hand-held monitor
C Elliott, ME Jones, S Gawad, S Emonet, D Clerc
US Patent App. 17/984,054, 2023
Personal hand-held monitor to produce a theoretical curve based on PPG signals at diastole and systole, measured pressure data at diastole and systole, and times of diastole …
C Elliott, ME Jones, S Gawad, S Emonet, D Clerc
US Patent 11,517,265, 2022
Personal health data collection
C Elliott, ME Jones, M Nagoga, S Gawad, M Bennett
US Patent 11,412,987, 2022
AI mutated genetic algorithm and an XFEM spectral finite element for damage identification-SHM
S Gawad
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robots and Mechanical …, 2022
Improved personal health data collection
C Elliott, ME Jones, P Bauser, D Clerc, S Gawad
US Patent App. 17/051,470, 2021
Improved Personal Health Data Collection
SG Christopher ELLIOTT, Mark-Eric JONES, Philippe BAUSER, Didier CLERC
Modeling and Simulation of the Dynamic Behavior of Multilayered Piezoelectric Fibers in Smart Structures
S Abdel-Gawad
Towards the development of a Weigh In Motion “WIM” system using Acoustic Emission Parameters
Gawad, S
3D stresses in a transparent 3D printed gear tooth using photoelasticity and finite element
S El-Sayed, FA Moslehy
Experimental Mechanics, 2005
Multistep time integration in finite element of lightly damped media
S El-sayed
Acta Mechanica, 2003
Variational finite element in inverse elasticity
S El-sayed, D Nicholson
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2002
Calibration of industrial robots using Error Jacobian matrix for precision manufacturing
S El-Sayed
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 11, 300-308, 2000
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