Sushama R. Wagh
Sushama R. Wagh
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Support-vector-machine-based proactive cascade prediction in smart grid using probabilistic framework
S Gupta, R Kambli, S Wagh, F Kazi
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (4), 2478-2486, 2014
Impact of topology on the propagation of cascading failure in power grid
P Dey, R Mehra, F Kazi, S Wagh, NM Singh
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (4), 1970-1978, 2016
Secured energy trading using byzantine-based blockchain consensus
A Sheikh, V Kamuni, A Urooj, S Wagh, N Singh, D Patel
IEEE Access 8, 8554-8571, 2019
Port-controlled phasor Hamiltonian modeling and IDA-PBC control of solid-state transformer
RV Meshram, M Bhagwat, S Khade, SR Wagh, AM Stanković, NM Singh
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 27 (1), 161-174, 2017
Linear state estimation model using phasor measurement unit (PMU) technology
S Soni, S Bhil, D Mehta, S Wagh
2012 9th international conference on electrical engineering, computing …, 2012
Gaussian process surrogate model for an effective life assessment of transformer considering model and measurement uncertainties
S Shadab, J Hozefa, K Sonam, S Wagh, NM Singh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 134, 107401, 2022
Cyber attack and fault identification of hvac system in building management systems
A Sheikh, V Kamuni, A Patil, S Wagh, N Singh
2019 9th international conference on power and energy systems (ICPES), 1-6, 2019
Analysis and prediction of vulnerability in smart power transmission system: A geometrical approach
S Gupta, F Kazi, S Wagh, N Singh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 94, 77-87, 2018
Neural network based early warning system for an emerging blackout in smart grid power networks
S Gupta, F Kazi, S Wagh, R Kambli
Intelligent distributed computing, 173-183, 2015
Energy trading of electric vehicles using blockchain and smart contracts
U Asfia, V Kamuni, A Sheikh, S Wagh, D Patel
2019 18th European control conference (ECC), 3958-3963, 2019
Wireless power transfer using metamaterial bonded microstrip antenna for smart grid WSN
V Singh, A Kukde, C Warty, S Wagh
2014 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Computing and …, 2014
Energy-sorted Prony analysis for identification of dominant low frequency oscillations
VS Patel, SK Bhil, FS Kazi, SR Wagh
2013 Australian Control Conference, 85-90, 2013
Non-linear model predictive control for improving transient stability of power system using TCSC controller
SR Wagh, AK Kamath, NM Singh
2009 7th Asian Control Conference, 1627-1632, 2009
Implementation of ZigBee/802.15. 4 in Smart Grid communication and analysis of power consumption: A case study
AY Mulla, JJ Baviskar, FS Kazi, SR Wagh
2014 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 1-7, 2014
A comparative study on compensating current generation algorithms for shunt active filter under non-linear load conditions
SS Wamane, JR Baviskar, SR Wagh
International journal of scientific and research publications 3 (6), 1-6, 2013
Smart building energy management: Load profile prediction using machine learning
G Revati, J Hozefa, S Shadab, A Sheikh, SR Wagh, NM Singh
2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED), 380-385, 2021
Finite-time parameter estimation for an online monitoring of transformer: A system identification perspective
S Shadab, G Revati, SR Wagh, NM Singh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 145, 108639, 2023
Probabilistic framework for evaluation of smart grid resilience of cascade failure
SR Gupta, FS Kazi, SR Wagh, NM Singh
2014 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies-Asia (ISGT ASIA), 255-260, 2014
Dynamic phasor-based small-signal stability analysis and control of solid state transformer
M Parimi, M Monika, M Rane, S Wagh, A Stankovic
2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), 1-6, 2016
Parameter convergence for adaptive control in nonlinear system
S Shadab, J Hozefa, SR Wagh, NM Singh
2020 Australian and New Zealand Control Conference (ANZCC), 42-47, 2020
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