Katona Istvan
Katona Istvan
Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
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Role of endogenous cannabinoids in synaptic signaling
TF Freund, I Katona, D Piomelli
Physiological reviews, 2003
Brain monoglyceride lipase participating in endocannabinoid inactivation
TP Dinh, D Carpenter, FM Leslie, TF Freund, I Katona, SL Sensi, ...
Proceedings of the national Academy of sciences 99 (16), 10819-10824, 2002
Presynaptically located CB1 cannabinoid receptors regulate GABA release from axon terminals of specific hippocampal interneurons
I Katona, B Sperlagh, A Sık, A Käfalvi, ES Vizi, K Mackie, TF Freund
Journal of Neuroscience 19 (11), 4544-4558, 1999
Perisomatic inhibition
TF Freund, I Katona
Neuron 56 (1), 33-42, 2007
Distribution of CB1 cannabinoid receptors in the amygdala and their role in the control of GABAergic transmission
I Katona, EA Rancz, L Acsády, C Ledent, K Mackie, N Hájos, TF Freund
Journal of Neuroscience 21 (23), 9506-9518, 2001
Multiple functions of endocannabinoid signaling in the brain
I Katona, TF Freund
Annual Review of Neuroscience 35, 529-558, 2012
Endocannabinoid signaling as a synaptic circuit breaker in neurological disease
I Katona, TF Freund
Nature medicine 14 (9), 923-930, 2008
Hardwiring the brain: endocannabinoids shape neuronal connectivity
P Berghuis, AM Rajnicek, YM Morozov, RA Ross, J Mulder, GM Urbán, ...
Science 316 (5828), 1212-1216, 2007
Molecular composition of the endocannabinoid system at glutamatergic synapses
I Katona, GM Urbán, M Wallace, C Ledent, KM Jung, D Piomelli, K Mackie, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (21), 5628-5637, 2006
Cannabinoids inhibit hippocampal GABAergic transmission and network oscillations
N Hájos, I Katona, SS Naiem, K Mackie, C Ledent, I Mody, TF Freund
European Journal of Neuroscience 12 (9), 3239-3249, 2000
Microglia monitor and protect neuronal function through specialized somatic purinergic junctions
C Cserép, B Pósfai, N Lénárt, R Fekete, ZI László, Z Lele, B Orsolits, ...
Science 367 (6477), 528-537, 2020
Subcellular arrangement of molecules for 2-arachidonoyl-glycerol-mediated retrograde signaling and its physiological contribution to synaptic modulation in the striatum
M Uchigashima, M Narushima, M Fukaya, I Katona, M Kano, M Watanabe
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (14), 3663-3676, 2007
Endocannabinoid signaling in rat somatosensory cortex: laminar differences and involvement of specific interneuron types
ÁL Bodor, I Katona, G Nyíri, K Mackie, C Ledent, N Hájos, TF Freund
Journal of Neuroscience 25 (29), 6845-6856, 2005
A novel network of multipolar bursting interneurons generates theta frequency oscillations in neocortex
M Blatow, A Rozov, I Katona, SG Hormuzdi, AH Meyer, MA Whittington, ...
Neuron 38 (5), 805-817, 2003
In vivo labeling of parvalbumin-positive interneurons and analysis of electrical coupling in identified neurons
AH Meyer, I Katona, M Blatow, A Rozov, H Monyer
Journal of Neuroscience 22 (16), 7055-7064, 2002
GABAergic interneurons are the targets of cannabinoid actions in the human hippocampus
I Katona, B Sperlagh, Z Maglóczky, E Santha, A Köfalvi, S Czirjak, ...
Neuroscience 100 (4), 797-804, 2000
Uncoupling of the endocannabinoid signalling complex in a mouse model of fragile X syndrome
KM Jung, M Sepers, CM Henstridge, O Lassalle, D Neuhofer, H Martin, ...
Nature communications 3 (1), 1080, 2012
Downregulation of the CB1 cannabinoid receptor and related molecular elements of the endocannabinoid system in epileptic human hippocampus
A Ludányi, L Erőss, S Czirják, J Vajda, P Halász, M Watanabe, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 28 (12), 2976-2990, 2008
Cell-specific STORM super-resolution imaging reveals nanoscale organization of cannabinoid signaling
B Dudok, L Barna, M Ledri, SI Szabó, E Szabadits, B Pintér, ...
Nature neuroscience 18 (1), 75-86, 2015
Postsynaptic targets of somatostatin-immunoreactive interneurons in the rat hippocampus
I Katona, L Acsády, TF Freund
Neuroscience 88 (1), 37-55, 1999
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