Thierry Oppikofer
Thierry Oppikofer
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Use of LIDAR in landslide investigations: a review
M Jaboyedoff, T Oppikofer, A Abellán, MH Derron, A Loye, R Metzger, ...
Natural hazards 61, 5-28, 2012
Detection of millimetric deformation using a terrestrial laser scanner: experiment and application to a rockfall event
A Abellán, M Jaboyedoff, T Oppikofer, JM Vilaplana
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (2), 365-372, 2009
Terrestrial laser scanning of rock slope instabilities
A Abellán, T Oppikofer, M Jaboyedoff, NJ Rosser, M Lim, MJ Lato
Earth surface processes and landforms 39 (1), 80-97, 2014
Characterization and monitoring of the Åknes rockslide using terrestrial laser scanning
T Oppikofer, M Jaboyedoff, L Blikra, MH Derron, R Metzger
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 9 (3), 1003-1019, 2009
New insight techniques to analyze rock-slope relief using DEM and 3Dimaging cloud points: COLTOP-3D software
M Jaboyedoff, R Metzger, T Oppikofer, R Couture, MH Derron, J Locat, ...
ARMA Canada-US Rock Mechanics Symposium, ARMA-07-008, 2007
Collapse at the eastern Eiger flank in the Swiss Alps
T Oppikofer, M Jaboyedoff, HR Keusen
Nature Geoscience 1 (8), 531-535, 2008
A review of methods used to estimate initial landslide failure surface depths and volumes
M Jaboyedoff, D Carrea, MH Derron, T Oppikofer, IM Penna, B Rudaz
Engineering Geology 267, 105478, 2020
Monitoring landslide displacements during a controlled rain experiment using a long-range terrestrial laser scanning (TLS)
J Travelletti, T Oppikofer, C Delacourt, JP Malet, M Jaboyedoff
International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 37, 485-490, 2008
Use of terrestrial laser scanning for the characterization of retrogressive landslides in sensitive clay and rotational landslides in river banks
M Jaboyedoff, D Demers, J Locat, A Locat, P Locat, T Oppikofer, ...
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 46 (12), 1379-1390, 2009
Detailed DEM analysis of a rockslide scar to characterize the basal sliding surface of active rockslides
T Oppikofer, M Jaboyedoff, A Pedrazzini, MH Derron, LH Blikra
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 116 (F2), 2011
Analyses of past and present rock slope instabilities in a fjord valley: Implications for hazard estimations
M Böhme, T Oppikofer, O Longva, M Jaboyedoff, RL Hermanns, ...
Geomorphology 248, 464-474, 2015
Analyzing complex rock slope deformation at Stampa, western Norway, by integrating geomorphology, kinematics and numerical modeling
M Böhme, RL Hermanns, T Oppikofer, L Fischer, HSS Bunkholt, T Eiken, ...
Engineering geology 154, 116-130, 2013
Detection, analysis and monitoring of slope movements by high-resolution digital elevation models
T Oppikofer
Université de Lausanne, Faculté des géosciences et de l'environnement, 2009
Hazard and risk classification for large unstable rock slopes in Norway
R Hermanns, T Oppikofer, E Anda, L Blikra, M Böhme, H Bunkholt, ...
Italian Journal of Engineering Geology and Environment 2013 (TOPIC2), 245-254, 2013
Preliminary global catalogue of displacement waves from subaerial landslides
NJ Roberts, R McKillop, RL Hermanns, JJ Clague, T Oppikofer
Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment: Volume 3: Targeted Landslides …, 2014
Complex landslide behaviour and structural control: a three-dimensional conceptual model of Åknes rockslide, Norway
M Jaboyedoff, T Oppikofer, MH Derron, LH Blikra, M Böhme, A Saintot
Systematic mapping of large unstable rock slopes in Norway
RL Hermanns, LH Blikra, E Anda, A Saintot, H Dahle, T Oppikofer, ...
Landslide science and practice: Volume 1: Landslide inventory and …, 2013
Recommended hazard and risk classification system for large unstable rock slopes in Norway
RL Hermanns, T Oppikofer, E Anda, LH Blikra, M Böhme, H Bunkholt, ...
NGU rapport, 0800-3416, 2012
Systematic geological mapping for landslide understanding in the Norwegian context
RL Hermanns, L Hansen, K Sletten, M Böhme, H Bunkholt, JF Dehls, ...
Landslide and engineered slopes: protecting society through improved …, 2012
Morphologic description of the Punta Cola rock avalanche and associated minor rockslides caused by the 21 April 2007 Aysén earthquake (Patagonia, southern Chile)
T Oppikofer, RL Hermanns, TF Redfield, SA Sepúlveda, P Duhart, ...
Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina 69 (3), 339-353, 2012
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