Matty de Wit
Matty de Wit
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Sensor, a population-based cohort study on gastroenteritis in the Netherlands: incidence and etiology
MAS De Wit, MPG Koopmans, LM Kortbeek, WJB Wannet, J Vinje, ...
American journal of epidemiology 154 (7), 666-674, 2001
Natural History of Human Calicivirus Infection: A Prospective Cohort Study
B Rockx, M De Wit, H Vennema, J Vinjé, E De Bruin, Y Van Duynhoven, ...
Clinical infectious diseases 35 (3), 246-253, 2002
Short-form measures of diabetes-related emotional distress: the Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale (PAID)-5 and PAID-1
BE McGuire, TG Morrison, N Hermanns, S Skovlund, E Eldrup, ...
Diabetologia 53, 66-69, 2010
Gastroenteritis in sentinel general practices, The Netherlands
MA De Wit, MP Koopmans, LM Kortbeek, NJ van Leeuwen, AI Bartelds, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 7 (1), 82, 2001
Etiology of gastroenteritis in sentinel general practices in the Netherlands
MAS de Wit, MPG Koopmans, LM Kortbeek, NJ Van Leeuwen, J Vinjé, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 33 (3), 280-288, 2001
Depressive and anxiety disorders in different ethnic groups: a population based study among native Dutch, and Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese migrants in Amsterdam
MAS de Wit, WC Tuinebreijer, J Dekker, AJTF Beekman, WHM Gorissen, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 43, 905-912, 2008
Psychometric properties of an interviewer‐administered version of the Kessler Psychological Distress scale (K10) among Dutch, Moroccan and Turkish respondents
T Fassaert, MAS De Wit, WC Tuinebreijer, H Wouters, AP Verhoeff, ...
International journal of methods in psychiatric research 18 (3), 159-168, 2009
Molecular epidemiology of human enteric caliciviruses in The Netherlands
M Koopmans, J Vinjé, M de Wit, I Leenen, W van der Poel, ...
The Journal of infectious diseases 181 (Supplement_2), S262-S269, 2000
Risk factors for norovirus, Sapporo-like virus, and group A rotavirus gastroenteritis
MAS de Wit, MPG Koopmans, YTHP van Duynhoven
Emerging infectious diseases 9 (12), 1563, 2003
Health burden in the Netherlands due to infection with thermophilic Campylobacter spp.
AH Havelaar, R Van KoningSVeld, E Van Kempen
Epidemiology & Infection 125 (3), 505-522, 2000
Pathways into homelessness: recently homeless adults problems and service use before and after becoming homeless in Amsterdam
IR Van Laere, MA de Wit, NS Klazinga
BMC public health 9, 1-9, 2009
Laboratory surveillance of bacterial gastroenteric pathogens in The Netherlands, 1991–2001
Epidemiology & Infection 130 (3), 431-441, 2003
A comparison of gastroenteritis in a general practice-based study and a community-based study
MAS De Wit, LM Kortbeek, MPG Koopmans, CJ De Jager, WJB Wannet, ...
Epidemiology & Infection 127 (3), 389-397, 2001
Monitoring health related quality of life in adolescents with diabetes: a review of measures
M De Wit, HA Delemarre-van de Waal, F Pouwer, RJBJ Gemke, FJ Snoek
Archives of disease in childhood 92 (5), 434-439, 2007
The cognitive and psychological effects of living with type 1 diabetes: a narrative review
E Van Duinkerken, FJ Snoek, M De Wit
Diabetic Medicine 37 (4), 555-563, 2020
Religious coping and depression in multicultural Amsterdam: A comparison between native Dutch citizens and Turkish, Moroccan and Surinamese/Antillean migrants
AW Braam, AC Schrier, WC Tuinebreijer, ATF Beekman, JJM Dekker, ...
Journal of affective disorders 125 (1-3), 269-278, 2010
Treating axial and peripheral spondyloarthritis, including psoriatic arthritis, to target: results of a systematic literature search to support an international treat-to-target …
MM Schoels, J Braun, M Dougados, P Emery, O Fitzgerald, A Kavanaugh, ...
Annals of the rheumatic diseases 73 (1), 238-242, 2014
Large outbreak of norovirus: the baker who should have known better
MAS De Wit, MA Widdowson, H Vennema, E De Bruin, T Fernandes, ...
Journal of Infection 55 (2), 188-193, 2007
The relationship between acculturation strategies and depressive and anxiety disorders in Turkish migrants in the Netherlands
B Ünlü Ince, T Fassaert, MAS de Wit, P Cuijpers, J Smit, J Ruwaard, ...
BMC psychiatry 14, 1-11, 2014
Perceived ethnic discrimination and depressive symptoms: the buffering effects of ethnic identity, religion and ethnic social network
UZ Ikram, MB Snijder, MAS de Wit, AH Schene, K Stronks, AE Kunst
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 51, 679-688, 2016
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