Jameson M. Wetmore
Jameson M. Wetmore
Associate Professor, Arizona State University
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Technology and society: Building our sociotechnical future
DG Johnson, JM Wetmore
MIT press, 2008
STS and ethics: implications for engineering ethics
DG Johnson, JM Wetmore
Hacket, Edward J. et al The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (3rd …, 2008
Redefining risks and redistributing responsibilities: Building networks to increase automobile safety
JM Wetmore
Science, Technology & Human Values 29 (3), 377-405, 2004
Amish Technology: Reinforcing values and building community
JM Wetmore
Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE 26 (2), 10-21, 2007
Driving the dream. The history and motivations behind 60 years of automated highway systems in America
J Wetmore
Automotive History Review 7, 4-19, 2003
Nanotechnology and the challenges of equity, equality and development
SE Cozzens, JM Wetmore
Springer, 2011
The Yearbook of Nanotechnology in Society, Volume I: Presenting Futures
E Fisher, C Selin
Springer Verlag, 2008
Researching and teaching the ethics and social implications of emerging technologies in the laboratory
J McGregor, JM Wetmore
Nanoethics 3 (1), 17-30, 2009
Engaging Students in Integrated Ethics Education: A Communication in the Disciplines Study of Pedagogy and Students' Roles in Society
HE Canary, JL Taylor, JR Herkert, K Ellison, JM Wetmore, CA Tarin
Communication Education 63 (2), 83-104, 2014
Distributing risks and responsibilities: Flood hazard mitigation in New Orleans
JM Wetmore
Social Studies of Science 37 (1), 119-126, 2007
Preparing engineers for the challenges of community engagement
M Harsh, MJ Bernstein, J Wetmore, S Cozzens, T Woodson, R Castillo
European Journal of Engineering Education 42 (6), 1154-1173, 2017
Science Outside the Lab: Helping Graduate Students in Science and Engineering Understand the Complexities of Science Policy
MJ Bernstein, K Reifschneider, I Bennett, JM Wetmore
Science and engineering ethics 23 (3), 861-882, 2017
Microethics and macroethics in graduate education for scientists and engineers: Developing and assessing instructional models
HE Canary, JR Herkert, K Ellison, JM Wetmore
2012 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 25.934. 1-25.934. 16, 2012
The role of emerging technologies in inclusive innovation: the case of nanotechnology in South Africa
M Harsh, TS Woodson, S Cozzens, JM Wetmore, O Soumonni, R Cortes
Science and Public Policy 45 (5), 597-607, 2018
The Rise of Computing Research in East Africa: The Relationship Between Funding, Capacity and Research Community in a Nascent Field
M Harsh, R Bal, J Wetmore, GP Zachary, K Holden
Minerva 56 (1), 35-58, 2018
Technology and society: building our sociotechnical future
DG Johnson, JM Wetmore
MIT Press, 2008
An Anticipatory Social Assessment of Factory-Grown Meat
CS Mattick, JM Wetmore, BR Allenby
Technology and Society Magazine, IEEE 34 (1), 56-64, 2015
Engineering with uncertainty: Monitoring air bag performance
JM Wetmore
Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (2), 201-218, 2008
Introduction to special issue on science, policy and social inequity
JM Wetmore
Science and Public Policy 34 (2), 83-84, 2007
Practitioners’ Views on Responsibility: Applying Nanoethics
RW Foley, I Bennett, JM Wetmore
NanoEthics 6 (3), 231-241, 2012
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