Naoki Saito
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Local feature extraction and its applications using a library of bases
N Saito
Yale University, 1994
Local discriminant bases and their applications
N Saito, RR Coifman
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 5, 337-358, 1995
Simultaneous noise suppression and signal compression using a library of orthonormal bases and the minimum-description-length criterion
N Saito
Proc. SPIE 2242, Wavelet Applications 2242, 224-235, 1994
Multiresolution representations using the autocorrelation functions of compactly supported wavelets
N Saito, G Beylkin
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 41 (12), 3584-3590, 1993
Local discriminant bases
N Saito, RR Coifman
Proc. SPIE 2303, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing II 2303 …, 1994
A method to detect and characterize ellipses using the Hough transform
N Bennett, R Burridge, N Saito
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 21 (7), 652-657, 1999
Discriminant feature extraction using empirical probability density estimation and a local basis library
N Saito, RR Coifman, FB Geshwind, F Warner
Pattern Recognition 35 (12), 2841-2852, 2002
Data analysis and representation on a general domain using eigenfunctions of Laplacian
N Saito
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 25 (1), 68-97, 2008
A model-based interpretation methodology for evaluating carbonate reservoirs
TS Ramakrishnan, R Ramamoorthy, E Fordham, L Schwartz, M Herron, ...
SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition?, SPE-71704-MS, 2001
Wavelets, their autocorrelation functions, and multiresolution representation of signals
G Beylkin, N Saito
Proc. SPIE 1826, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XI: Biological …, 1992
Method of determining dips and azimuths of fractures from borehole images
N Saito, NN Bennett, R Burridge
US Patent 5,960,371, 1999
Method for interpreting carbonate reservoirs
TS Ramakrishnan, R Ramamoorthy, N Saito, C Flaum
US Patent 6,088,656, 2000
Constructions of local orthonormal bases for classification and regression
RR Coifman, N Saito
Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences-Serie I-Mathematique 319 (2), 191-196, 1994
Improved local discriminant bases using empirical probability density estimation
N Saito, RR Coifman
1996 Proceedings of Computing Section of Amer. Statist. Assoc., pp.312-321, 1997
Improvement of DCT-based compression algorithms using Poisson's equation
K Yamatani, N Saito
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15 (12), 3672-3689, 2006
The polyharmonic local sine transform: A new tool for local image analysis and synthesis without edge effect
N Saito, JF Remy
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 20 (1), 41-73, 2006
Mysteries around the graph Laplacian eigenvalue 4
Y Nakatsukasa, N Saito, E Woei
Linear Algebra and its Applications 438 (8), 3231-3246, 2013
Hierarchical graph Laplacian eigen transforms
J Irion, N Saito
JSIAM Letters 6, 21-24, 2014
Sparsity vs Statistical Independence from a Best-Basis Viewpoint
N Saito, B Larson, B Bénichou
Proc. SPIE 4119, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing VIII …, 2000
Extraction of geological information from acoustic well-logging waveforms using time-frequency wavelets
N Saito, RR Coifman
Geophysics 62 (6), 1921-1930, 1997
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