Prof. SAKR Soulaiman
Prof. SAKR Soulaiman
Institut Agro
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Plant responses to red and far-red lights, applications in horticulture
S Demotes-Mainard, T Péron, A Corot, J Bertheloot, J Le Gourrierec, ...
Environmental and experimental Botany 121, 4-21, 2016
Light signaling and plant responses to blue and UV radiations—Perspectives for applications in horticulture
L Huché-Thélier, L Crespel, J Le Gourrierec, P Morel, S Sakr, N Leduc
Environmental and Experimental Botany 121, 22-38, 2016
Multiple pathways regulate shoot branching
C Rameau, J Bertheloot, N Leduc, B Andrieu, F Foucher, S Sakr
Frontiers in plant science 5, 741, 2015
Putative role of aquaporins in variable hydraulic conductance of leaves in response to light
H Cochard, JS Venisse, TS Barigah, N Brunel, S Herbette, A Guilliot, ...
Plant physiology 143 (1), 122-133, 2007
A high-quality genome sequence of Rosa chinensis to elucidate ornamental traits
L Hibrand Saint-Oyant, T Ruttink, L Hamama, I Kirov, D Lakhwani, ...
Nature plants 4 (7), 473-484, 2018
Sucrose is an early modulator of the key hormonal mechanisms controlling bud outgrowth in Rosa hybrida
F Barbier, T Péron, M Lecerf, MD Perez-Garcia, Q Barrière, J Rolčík, ...
Journal of experimental botany 66 (9), 2569-2582, 2015
The sugar-signaling hub: overview of regulators and interaction with the hormonal and metabolic network
S Sakr, M Wang, F Dédaldéchamp, MD Perez-Garcia, L Ogé, L Hamama, ...
International journal of molecular sciences 19 (9), 2506, 2018
The sucrose transporter HbSUT3 plays an active role in sucrose loading to laticifer and rubber productivity in exploited trees of Hevea brasiliensis (para rubber tree)
C Tang, D Huang, J Yang, S Liu, S Sakr, H Li, Y Zhou, Y Qin
Plant, cell & environment 33 (10), 1708-1720, 2010
Temperature effects on xylem sap osmolarity in walnut trees: evidence for a vitalistic model of winter embolism repair
T Améglio, M Decourteix, G Alves, V Valentin, S Sakr, JL Julien, G Petel, ...
Tree Physiology 24 (7), 785-793, 2004
Plasma membrane aquaporins are involved in winter embolism recovery in walnut tree
S Sakr, G Alves, R Morillon, K Maurel, M Decourteix, A Guilliot, ...
Plant Physiology 133 (2), 630-641, 2003
BRANCHED1: a key hub of shoot branching
M Wang, MA Le Moigne, J Bertheloot, L Crespel, MD Perez-Garcia, L Ogé, ...
Frontiers in plant science 10, 76, 2019
Insight into the role of sugars in bud burst under light in the rose
A Rabot, C Henry, K Ben Baaziz, E Mortreau, W Azri, J Lothier, L Hamama, ...
Plant and Cell Physiology 53 (6), 1068-1082, 2012
Identification of a pollen-specific sucrose transporter-like protein NtSUT3 from tobacco
R Lemoine, L Bürkle, L Barker, S Sakr, C Kühn, M Regnacq, C Gaillard, ...
FEBS letters 454 (3), 325-330, 1999
Involvement of HbPIP2;1 and HbTIP1;1 Aquaporins in Ethylene Stimulation of Latex Yield through Regulation of Water Exchanges between Inner Liber and Latex Cells in …
K Tungngoen, P Kongsawadworakul, U Viboonjun, M Katsuhara, ...
Plant physiology 151 (2), 843-856, 2009
Sugar availability suppresses the auxin‐induced strigolactone pathway to promote bud outgrowth
J Bertheloot, F Barbier, F Boudon, MD Perez‐Garcia, T Péron, S Citerne, ...
New Phytologist 225 (2), 866-879, 2020
Insights into Populus XIP aquaporins: evolutionary expansion, protein functionality, and environmental regulation
D Lopez, G Bronner, N Brunel, D Auguin, S Bourgerie, F Brignolas, ...
Journal of Experimental Botany 63 (5), 2217-2230, 2012
Trophic control of bud break in peach (Prunus persica) trees: a possible role of hexoses
K Maurel, GB Leite, M Bonhomme, A Guilliot, R Rageau, G Pétel, S Sakr
Tree Physiology 24 (5), 579-588, 2004
Carbohydrate uptake from xylem vessels and its distribution among stem tissues and buds in walnut (Juglans regia L.)
M Bonhomme, M Peuch, T Ameglio, R Rageau, A Guilliot, M Decourteix, ...
Tree physiology 30 (1), 89-102, 2010
Cytokinins are initial targets of light in the control of bud outgrowth
H Roman, T Girault, F Barbier, T Péron, N Brouard, A Pěnčík, O Novák, ...
Plant Physiology 172 (1), 489-509, 2016
Light signaling in bud outgrowth and branching in plants
N Leduc, H Roman, F Barbier, T Péron, L Huché-Thélier, J Lothier, ...
Plants 3 (2), 223-250, 2014
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