Edwin S. Monuki
Edwin S. Monuki
Warren L. Bostick Professor and Chair, Pathology & Lab Medicine, University of California Irvine
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Human neural stem cell growth and differentiation in a gradient-generating microfluidic device
BG Chung, LA Flanagan, SW Rhee, PH Schwartz, AP Lee, ES Monuki, ...
Lab on a Chip 5 (4), 401-406, 2005
Development and functions of the choroid plexus–cerebrospinal fluid system
MP Lun, ES Monuki, MK Lehtinen
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 16 (8), 445-457, 2015
Expression of Cux‐1 and Cux‐2 in the subventricular zone and upper layers II–IV of the cerebral cortex
M Nieto, ES Monuki, H Tang, J Imitola, N Haubst, SJ Khoury, ...
Journal of Comparative Neurology 479 (2), 168-180, 2004
Regulation of human neural precursor cells by laminin and integrins
LA Flanagan, LM Rebaza, S Derzic, PH Schwartz, ES Monuki
Journal of neuroscience research 83 (5), 845-856, 2006
SCIP: a glial POU domain gene regulated by cyclic AMP
ES Monuki, G Weinmaster, R Kuhn, G Lemke
Neuron 3 (6), 783-793, 1989
Lhx2 selector activity specifies cortical identity and suppresses hippocampal organizer fate
VS Mangale, KE Hirokawa, PRV Satyaki, N Gokulchandran, S Chikbire, ...
Science 319 (5861), 304-309, 2008
Patterning of the dorsal telencephalon and cerebral cortex by a roof plate-Lhx2 pathway
ES Monuki, FD Porter, CA Walsh
Neuron 32 (4), 591-604, 2001
Genome sequencing analysis identifies new loci associated with Lewy body dementia and provides insights into its genetic architecture
R Chia, MS Sabir, S Bandres-Ciga, S Saez-Atienzar, RH Reynolds, ...
Nature genetics 53 (3), 294-303, 2021
Dielectrophoresis switching with vertical sidewall electrodes for microfluidic flow cytometry
L Wang, LA Flanagan, NL Jeon, E Monuki, AP Lee
Lab on a Chip 7 (9), 1114-1120, 2007
Expression and activity of the POU transcription factor SCIP
ES Monuki, R Kuhn, G Weinmaster, BD Trapp, G Lemke
Science 249 (4974), 1300-1303, 1990
Unique dielectric properties distinguish stem cells and their differentiated progeny
LA Flanagan, J Lu, L Wang, SA Marchenko, NL Jeon, AP Lee, ES Monuki
Stem cells 26 (3), 656-665, 2008
Imaging of effector memory T cells during a delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction and suppression by Kv1. 3 channel block
MP Matheu, C Beeton, A Garcia, V Chi, S Rangaraju, O Safrina, ...
Immunity 29 (4), 602-614, 2008
The choroid plexus and cerebrospinal fluid: emerging roles in development, disease, and therapy
MK Lehtinen, CS Bjornsson, SM Dymecki, RJ Gilbertson, DM Holtzman, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (45), 17553-17559, 2013
Mechanisms of cerebral cortical patterning in mice and humans
ES Monuki, CA Walsh
Nature neuroscience 4 (Suppl 11), 1199-1206, 2001
The roof plate regulates cerebellar cell-type specification and proliferation
VV Chizhikov, AG Lindgren, DS Currle, MF Rose, ES Monuki, KJ Millen
Oxford University Press for The Company of Biologists Limited 133 (15), 2793 …, 2006
Dual frequency dielectrophoresis with interdigitated sidewall electrodes for microfluidic flow‐through separation of beads and cells
L Wang, J Lu, SA Marchenko, ES Monuki, LA Flanagan, AP Lee
Electrophoresis 30 (5), 782-791, 2009
Cortical folding: when, where, how, and why?
GF Striedter, S Srinivasan, ES Monuki
Annual review of neuroscience 38 (1), 291-307, 2015
Spatially heterogeneous choroid plexus transcriptomes encode positional identity and contribute to regional CSF production
MP Lun, MB Johnson, KG Broadbelt, M Watanabe, Y Kang, KF Chau, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 35 (12), 4903-4916, 2015
Lmx1a regulates fates and location of cells originating from the cerebellar rhombic lip and telencephalic cortical hem
VV Chizhikov, AG Lindgren, Y Mishima, RW Roberts, KA Aldinger, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (23), 10725-10730, 2010
Cooperative interactions enable singular olfactory receptor expression in mouse olfactory neurons
K Monahan, I Schieren, J Cheung, A Mumbey-Wafula, ES Monuki, ...
Elife 6, e28620, 2017
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