Guillaume Chapron
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Recovery of large carnivores in Europe’s modern human-dominated landscapes
G Chapron, P Kaczensky, JDC Linnell, M Von Arx, D Huber, H Andrén, ...
science 346 (6216), 1517-1519, 2014
Bushmeat hunting and extinction risk to the world's mammals
WJ Ripple, K Abernethy, MG Betts, G Chapron, R Dirzo, M Galetti, T Levi, ...
Royal Society open science 3 (10), 160498, 2016
Shoot, shovel and shut up: cryptic poaching slows restoration of a large carnivore in Europe
O Liberg, G Chapron, P Wabakken, HC Pedersen, NT Hobbs, H Sand
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1730), 910-915, 2012
Lion (Panthera leo) populations are declining rapidly across Africa, except in intensively managed areas
H Bauer, G Chapron, K Nowell, P Henschel, P Funston, LTB Hunter, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (48), 14894-14899, 2015
Assessing the viability of tiger subpopulations in a fragmented landscape
M Linkie, G Chapron, DJ Martyr, J Holden, N Leader-Williams
Journal of Applied Ecology 43 (3), 576-586, 2006
Limited evidence on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce livestock predation by large carnivores
A Eklund, JV López-Bao, M Tourani, G Chapron, J Frank
Scientific reports 7 (1), 2097, 2017
Status, management and distribution of large carnivores-bear, lynx, wolf & wolverine-in Europe
P Kaczensky, G Chapron, M Von Arx, D Huber, H Andrén, J Linnell
Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 2013
The impact on tigers of poaching versus prey depletion
G Chapron, DG Miquelle, A Lambert, JM Goodrich, S Legendre, J Clobert
Journal of Applied Ecology 45 (6), 1667-1674, 2008
Carnivore conservation needs evidence-based livestock protection
LM Van Eeden, A Eklund, JRB Miller, JV López-Bao, G Chapron, ...
PLoS biology 16 (9), e2005577, 2018
Saving the world's terrestrial megafauna
WJ Ripple, G Chapron, JV López-Bao, SM Durant, DW Macdonald, ...
BioScience 66 (10), 807-812, 2016
Food habits of the world's grey wolves
TM Newsome, L Boitani, G Chapron, P Ciucci, CR Dickman, JA Dellinger, ...
Mammal Review 46 (4), 255-269, 2016
Snow leopard survival strategy
T McCarthy, G Chapron
International Snow Leopard Trust, 2003
The environment needs cryptogovernance
G Chapron
Nature 545 (7655), 403-405, 2017
The paradoxical extinction of the most charismatic animals
F Courchamp, I Jaric, C Albert, Y Meinard, WJ Ripple, G Chapron
PLoS biology 16 (4), e2003997, 2018
A rights revolution for nature
G Chapron, Y Epstein, JV López-Bao
Science 363 (6434), 1392-1393, 2019
MDPtoolbox: a multi‐platform toolbox to solve stochastic dynamic programming problems
I Chadès, G Chapron, MJ Cros, F Garcia, R Sabbadin
Ecography 37 (9), 916-920, 2014
Quantity does not always mean quality: The importance of qualitative social science in conservation research
NA Rust, A Abrams, DWS Challender, G Chapron, A Ghoddousi, ...
Society & natural resources 30 (10), 1304-1310, 2017
Blood does not buy goodwill: allowing culling increases poaching of a large carnivore
G Chapron, A Treves
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 283 (1830), 20152939, 2016
The need for ecocentrism in biodiversity conservation
B Taylor, G Chapron, H Kopnina, E Orlikowska, J Gray, JJ Piccolo
Conservation Biology, 2020
Emotions and the ethics of consequence in conservation decisions: Lessons from Cecil the Lion
MP Nelson, JT Bruskotter, JA Vucetich, G Chapron
Conservation Letters 9 (4), 302-306, 2016
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