Leandro Schlemmer Brasil
Leandro Schlemmer Brasil
Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso UFMT
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Contamination of stream fish by plastic waste in the Brazilian Amazon
DRG Ribeiro-Brasil, NR Torres, AB Picanço, DS Sousa, VS Ribeiro, ...
Environmental Pollution 266, 115241, 2020
Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research
RL Carvalho, AF Resende, J Barlow, FM França, MR Moura, R Maciel, ...
Current Biology 33 (16), 3495-3504. e4, 2023
Influence of oil palm monoculture on the taxonomic and functional composition of aquatic insect communities in eastern Brazilian Amazonia
A Luiza-Andrade, LS Brasil, NL Benone, Y Shimano, APJ Farias, ...
Ecological Indicators 82, 478-483, 2017
The habitat integrity index and aquatic insect communities in tropical streams: A meta-analysis
LS Brasil, EL de Lima, ZA Spigoloni, DRG Ribeiro-Brasil, L Juen
Ecological Indicators 116, 106495, 2020
Elements of metacommunity structure in Amazonian Zygoptera among streams under different spatial scales and environmental conditions
LS Brasil, TB Vieira, JMB de Oliveira‐Junior, K Dias‐Silva, L Juen
Ecology and Evolution 7 (9), 3190-3200, 2017
Longitudinal distribution of the functional feeding groups of aquatic insects in streams of the Brazilian Cerrado Savanna
LS Brasil, L Juen, JD Batista, MG Pavan, HSR Cabette
Neotropical Entomology 43 (5), 421-428, 2014
Aquatic insects and their environmental predictors: a scientometric study focused on environmental monitoring in lotic environmental
LS Brasil, A Luiza-Andrade, LB Calvão, K Dias-Silva, APJ Faria, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 192 (3), 194, 2020
Spatial, biogeographic and environmental predictors of diversity in Amazonian Zygoptera
LS Brasil, JM Oliveira‐Júnior, LB Calvão, FG Carvalho, ...
Insect Conservation and Diversity, 0
Morphological and phylogenetic factors structure the distribution of damselfly and dragonfly species (Odonata) along an environmental gradient in Amazonian streams
RC Bastos, LS Brasil, JMB Oliveira-Junior, FG Carvalho, GD Lennox, ...
Ecological Indicators 122, 107257, 2021
Net primary productivity and seasonality of temperature and precipitation are predictors of the species richness of the Damselflies in the Amazon
LS Brasil, DV Silverio, HSR Cabette, JD Batista, TB Vieira, K Dias-Silva, ...
Basic and Applied Ecology 35, 45-53, 2019
Impact of environmental changes on the behavioral diversity of the Odonata (Insecta) in the Amazon
BO de Resende, VRS Ferreira, LS Brasil, LB Calvão, TP Mendes, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 9742, 2021
Effects of environmental factors on community structure of Leptophlebiidae (Insecta, Ephemeroptera) in Cerrado streams, Brazil
LS Brasil, Y Shimano, JD Batista, HSR Cabette
Iheringia. Série Zoologia 103, 260-265, 2013
Environmental integrity and damselfly species composition in Amazonian streams at the “arc of deforestation” region, Mato Grosso, Brazil
LS Brasil, JD Batista, NF da Silva Giehl, MBX Valadão, JO dos Santos, ...
Land use changes disrupt streams and affect the functional feeding groups of aquatic insects in the Amazon
M Lima, VC Firmino, CKS de Paiva, L Juen, LS Brasil
Journal of Insect Conservation 26 (2), 137-148, 2022
The impacts of plastics on aquatic insects
DRG Ribeiro-Brasil, LS Brasil, GKO Veloso, TP de Matos, ES de Lima, ...
Science of The Total Environment 813, 152436, 2022
Fishway in hydropower dams: a scientometric analysis
JL Brito-Santos, K Dias-Silva, LS Brasil, JB da Silva, AM Santos, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193, 1-17, 2021
The effects of environmental integrity on the diversity of mayflies, Leptophlebiidae (Ephemeroptera), in tropical streams of the Brazilian Cerrado
LS Brasil, L Juen, HSR Cabette
Annales de Limnologie-International Journal of Limnology 50 (4), 325-334, 2014
The effect of urbanization on bats and communities of bat flies (Diptera: Nycteribiidae and Streblidae) in the Amazon, northern Brazil
LR Palheta, GL Urbieta, LS Brasil, K Dias-Silva, JB Da Silva, G Graciolli, ...
Acta Chiropterologica 22 (2), 403-416, 2020
Metacommunity patterns of Amazonian Odonata: the role of environmental gradients and major rivers
F Alves-Martins, LS Brasil, L Juen, P De Marco Jr, J Stropp, J Hortal
PeerJ 7, e6472, 2019
A niche‐based gap analysis for the conservation of odonate species in the Brazilian Amazon
LS Brasil, AFA de Andrade, BR Ribeiro, ZA Spigoloni, L Juen, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31 (5), 1150-1157, 2021
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