Thibaut Kovaltchouk
Thibaut Kovaltchouk
High school teacher, Lycée La Martinière Monplaisir
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Enhanced Aging Model for Supercapacitors taking into account Power Cycling: Application to the Sizing of an Energy Storage System in a Direct Wave Energy Converter
T Kovaltchouk, B Multon, H Ben Ahmed, J Aubry, P Venet
Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on 51 (3), 2405 - 2414, 2014
Enhanced Aging Model for Supercapacitors taking into account Power Cycling: Application to the Sizing of an Energy Storage System in a Direct Wave Energy Converter
T Kovaltchouk, B Multon, HB Ahmed, J Aubry, P Venet
Proc. of the Ninth IEEE International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and …, 2014
Comparison between centralized and decentralized storage energy management for Direct Wave Energy Converter Farm
T Kovaltchouk, A Blavette, J Aubry, H Ben Ahmed, B Multon
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 99 (99), 1-8, 2016
Comparison between centralized and decentralized storage energy management for Direct Wave Energy Converter Farm
T Kovaltchouk, A Blavette, H Ben Ahmed, B Multon, J Aubry
Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 2015 Tenth International …, 2015
Assessing the Impact of the Grid Connected Pacific Marine Energy Centre Wave Energy Farm
S Armstrong, E Cotilla-Sanchez, T Kovaltchouk
Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, IEEE Journal of 3 (4 …, 2015
Influence of IGBT Current Rating on the Thermal Cycling Lifetime of a Power Electronic Active Rectifier in a Direct Wave Energy Converter
T Kovaltchouk, J Aubry, B Multon, H Ben Hamed
Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 2013 15th European Conference on …, 2013
Influence of control strategy on the global efficiency of a Direct Wave Energy Converter with electric Power Take-Off
T Kovaltchouk, B Multon, H Ben Ahmed, J Aubry, F Rongere, ...
Ecological Vehicles and Renewable Energies (EVER), 2013 8th International …, 2013
Wave farm flicker severity: Comparative analysis and solutions
T Kovaltchouk, S Armstrong, A Blavette, H Ben Ahmed, B Multon
Renewable Energy 91, 32-39, 2016
Computing an Optimal Control Policy for an Energy Storage
P Haessig, T Kovaltchouk, B Multon, H Ben Ahmed, S Lascaud
EuroSciPy 2013 conference, 2013
An aging-aware life cycle cost comparison between supercapacitors and Li-ion batteries to smooth Direct Wave Energy Converter production
T Kovaltchouk, HB Ahmed, B Multon, J Aubry, P Venet
2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, 1-6, 2015
Assessment of the Impact of Frequency Containment Control and Synthetic Inertia on Intermittent Energies Generators Integration
T Kovaltchouk, V Debusschere, S Bacha, M Fiacchini, M Alamir
2016 Eleventh International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable …, 2016
Model predictive control of a direct wave energy converter constrained by the electrical chain using an energetic approach
T Kovaltchouk, F Rongère, M Primot, J Aubry, HB Ahmed, B Multon
European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 2015, 2015
Electricity grid connection of a tidal farm: An active power control framework constrained to grid code requirements
SB Chabane, M Alamir, M Fiacchini, R Riah, T Kovaltchouk, S Bacha
IEEE Transactions on sustainable energy 9 (4), 1948-1956, 2018
Preliminary sizing of a collaborative system: Photovoltaic power plant and electric vehicle fleet
RLG Latimier, T Kovaltchouk, HB Ahmed, B Multon
2014 Ninth International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable …, 2014
Optimal sizing of submarine cables from an electro-thermal perspective
A Matine, CH Bonnard, A Blavette, S Bourguet, F Rongère, T Kovaltchouk, ...
European Wave and Tidal Conference (EWTEC), 2017
Influence of the wave dispersion phenomenon on the flicker generated by a wave farm
A Blavette, T Kovaltchouk, F Rongère, MJ de Thieulloy, P Leahy, B Multon, ...
European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC), 2017
Active power control under Grid Code constraints for a tidal farm
M Alamir, M Fiacchini, SB Chabane, S Bacha, T Kovaltchouk
2016 Eleventh International Conference on Ecological Vehicles and Renewable …, 2016
Contributions à la co-optimisation contrôle-dimensionnement sur cycle de vie sous contrainte réseau des houlogénérateurs directs
T Kovaltchouk
Cachan, Ecole normale supérieure, 2015
Consideration of the ageing in the control of the balancing circuit of supercapacitor
P Kreczanik, T Kovaltchouk, A Hijazi, P Venet, G Clerc
Super Capacitors & Applications, Proc. of the 4th European Symposium on-ESSCAP, 2010
Towards the optimal use of an existing MRE electrical network from an electrothermal perspective
CH Bonnard, A Blavette, S Bourguet, F Rongère, T Kovaltchouk, ...
2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), 1-5, 2019
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