Breanna N Harris
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In the wake of COVID-19, academia needs new solutions to ensure gender equity
JL Malisch, BN Harris, SM Sherrer, KA Lewis, SL Shepherd, PC McCarthy, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (27), 15378-15381, 2020
From here to paternity: neural correlates of the onset of paternal behavior in California mice (Peromyscus californicus)
TR de Jong, M Chauke, BN Harris, W Saltzman
Hormones and behavior 56 (2), 220-231, 2009
From panic to pedagogy: Using online active learning to promote inclusive instruction in ecology and evolutionary biology courses and beyond
BN Harris, PC McCarthy, AM Wright, H Schutz, KS Boersma, SL Shepherd, ...
Ecology and evolution 10 (22), 12581-12612, 2020
Towards an integrative understanding of social behavior: new models and new opportunities
DT Blumstein, L Ebensperger, L Hayes, RA Vásquez, TH Ahern, ...
Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience 4, 1850, 2010
Proteomic and physiological responses of leopard sharks (Triakis semifasciata) to salinity change
WW Dowd, BN Harris, JJ Cech Jr, D Kültz
Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (2), 210-224, 2010
The role of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal/interrenal axis in mediating predator-avoidance trade-offs
BN Harris, JA Carr
General and comparative endocrinology 230, 110-142, 2016
Stress hypothesis overload: 131 hypotheses exploring the role of stress in tradeoffs, transitions, and health
BN Harris
General and comparative endocrinology 288, 113355, 2020
Acute effects of corticosterone injection on paternal behavior in California mouse (Peromyscus californicus) fathers
BN Harris, JP Perea-Rodriguez, W Saltzman
Hormones and Behavior 60 (5), 666-675, 2011
Effects of aging on hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity and reactivity in virgin male and female California mice (Peromyscus californicus)
BN Harris, W Saltzman
General and Comparative Endocrinology 186, 41-49, 2013
Chronic variable stress in fathers alters paternal and social behavior but not pup development in the biparental California mouse (Peromyscus californicus)
BN Harris, TR de Jong, V Yang, W Saltzman
Hormones and behavior 64 (5), 799-811, 2013
Hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis function in the California mouse (Peromyscus californicus): changes in baseline activity, reactivity, and fecal excretion of …
BN Harris, W Saltzman, TR de Jong, MR Milnes
General and comparative endocrinology 179 (3), 436-450, 2012
Brief pup exposure induces Fos expression in the lateral habenula and serotonergic caudal dorsal raphe nucleus of paternally experienced male California mice (Peromyscus …
TR De Jong, KR Measor, M Chauke, BN Harris, W Saltzman
Neuroscience 169 (3), 1094-1104, 2010
Paternal care in biparental rodents: intra-and inter-individual variation
W Saltzman, BN Harris, TR De Jong, JP Perea-Rodriguez, ND Horrell, ...
Integrative and Comparative Biology 57 (3), 589-602, 2017
Effect of reproductive status on hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) activity and reactivity in male California mice (Peromyscus californicus)
BN Harris, W Saltzman
Physiology & behavior 112, 70-76, 2013
Effects of repeated pup exposure on behavioral, neural, and adrenocortical responses to pups in male California mice (Peromyscus californicus)
ND Horrell, JP Perea-Rodriguez, BN Harris, W Saltzman
Hormones and behavior 90, 56-63, 2017
Individual Variation in Paternal Responses of Virgin Male California Mice (Peromyscus californicus): Behavioral and Physiological Correlates
TR De Jong, A Korosi, BN Harris, JP Perea-Rodriguez, W Saltzman
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85 (6), 740-751, 2012
Physiological and neuroendocrine responses to chronic variable stress in male California mice (Peromyscus californicus): influence of social environment and paternal state
TR De Jong, BN Harris, JP Perea-Rodriguez, W Saltzman
Psychoneuroendocrinology 38 (10), 2023-2033, 2013
Glucocorticoids, aerobic physiology, and locomotor behavior in California mice
EM Dlugosz, BN Harris, W Saltzman, MA Chappell
Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85 (6), 671-683, 2012
Comparison of contingent and noncontingent access to therapy dogs during academic tasks in children with autism spectrum disorder
A Protopopova, AL Matter, BN Harris, KM Wiskow, JM Donaldson
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 53 (2), 811-834, 2020
Effects of a physical and energetic challenge on male California mice (Peromyscus californicus): modulation by reproductive condition
M Zhao, T Garland Jr, MA Chappell, JR Andrew, BN Harris, W Saltzman
Journal of Experimental Biology 221 (1), jeb168559, 2018
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