Rasmus Bååth
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Bayesian First Aid: A Package that Implements Bayesian Alternatives to the Classical*. test Functions in R
R Bååth
UseR!, 2014
The association between office design and performance on demanding cognitive tasks
A Seddigh, C Stenfors, E Berntsson, R Bååth, S Sikström, H Westerlund
Journal of Environmental Psychology 42, 172-181, 2015
ChildFreq: an online tool to explore word frequencies in child language.
R Bååth
[Publisher information missing], 2010
Human non-linguistic vocal repertoire: call types and their meaning
A Anikin, R Bååth, T Persson
Journal of nonverbal behavior 42, 53-80, 2018
The role of executive control in rhythmic timing at different tempi
R Bååth, TA Tjøstheim, M Lingonblad
Psychonomic bulletin & review 23, 1954-1960, 2016
Subjective Rhythmization: A Replication And An Extension
R Bååth, KÓ Ingvarsdóttir
The 13th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition., 2014
Using Bayes factors to test hypotheses in developmental research
MN Williams, RA Bååth, MC Philipp
Research in Human Development 14 (4), 321-337, 2017
Performance in eyeblink conditioning is age and sex dependent
K Löwgren, R Bååth, A Rasmussen, HJ Boele, SKE Koekkoek, ...
PloS one 12 (5), e0177849, 2017
Cats and illusory motion
R Bååth, T Seno, A Kitaoka
Psychology 5 (9), 1131-1134, 2014
Atypical Associations to Abstract Words in Broca's Aphasia
M Roll, F Mårtensson, S Sikström, P Apt, R Arnling-Bååth, M Horne
Cortex, 2011
The Subjective Difficulty of Tapping to a Slow Beat
R Bååth, G Madison
12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, 82-85, 2012
The state of naming conventions in R
R Bååth
bayesboot: an implementation of Rubin’s (1981) Bayesian Bootstrap
R Bååth
R package version 0.2 1, 2016
An exploration of play behaviors in raven nestlings
M Osvath, H Osvath, R Bååth
Animal behavior and cognition 1 (2), 157-165, 2014
Bayesian first aid
R Bååth
GitHub. https://github. com, 2014
Latent semantic analysis discriminates children with developmental language disorder (DLD) from children with typical language development
R Bååth, S Sikström, N Kalnak, K Hansson, B Sahlén
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research 48, 683-697, 2019
beepr: Easily play notification sounds on any platform
R Bååth, A Dobbyn
R package version 1, 2018
Estimating the distribution of sensorimotor synchronization data: A Bayesian hierarchical modeling approach
R Bååth
Behavior research methods 48, 463-474, 2016
Asking about social circles improves election predictions even with many political parties
W Bruine de Bruin, M Galesic, R Bååth, J De Bresser, L Hall, P Johansson, ...
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 34 (1), edac006, 2022
Quantifying semantic linguistic maturity in children
K Hansson, R Bååth, S Löhndorf, B Sahlén, S Sikström
Journal of psycholinguistic research 45, 1183-1199, 2016
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