Guenter GRUBER
Guenter GRUBER
Assistent Professor at Graz University of Technology
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Practical aspects, experiences and strategies by using UV/VIS sensors for long-term sewer monitoring
G Gruber, JL Bertrand-Krajewski, JD Beneditis, M Hochedlinger, W Lettl
Water Practice and Technology 1 (1), wpt2006020, 2006
Calibration of UV/Vis spectrophotometers: A review and comparison of different methods to estimate TSS and total and dissolved COD concentrations in sewers, WWTPs and rivers
M Lepot, A Torres, T Hofer, N Caradot, G Gruber, JB Aubin, ...
Water Research 101, 519-534, 2016
Continuous monitoring in sewer networks an approach for quantification of pollution loads from CSOs into surface water bodies
G Gruber, S Winkler, A Pressl
Water science and technology 52 (12), 215-223, 2005
Performance evaluation of real time control in urban wastewater systems in practice: Review and perspective
P van Daal, G Gruber, J Langeveld, D Muschalla, F Clemens
Environmental Modelling & Software 95, 90-101, 2017
Application of ion-sensitive sensors in water quality monitoring
S Winkler, L Rieger, E Saracevic, A Pressl, G Gruber
Water Science and Technology 50 (11), 105-114, 2004
The HSG procedure for modelling integrated urban wastewater systems
D Muschalla, M Schütze, K Schroeder, M Bach, F Blumensaat, G Gruber, ...
Water Science and Technology 60 (8), 2065-2075, 2009
Quantification of pollution loads from CSOs into surface water bodies by means of online techniques
G Gruber, S Winkler, A Pressl
Water Science and Technology 50 (11), 73-80, 2004
Spatial rainfall variability in urban environments—High-density precipitation measurements on a city-scale
R Maier, G Krebs, M Pichler, D Muschalla, G Gruber
Water 12 (4), 1157, 2020
Water quality-based assessment of urban drainage impacts in Europe–where do we stand today?
F Blumensaat, P Staufer, S Heusch, F Reußner, M Schütze, S Seiffert, ...
Water Science and Technology 66 (2), 304-313, 2012
Downscaling of short-term precipitation from regional climate models for sustainable urban planning
J Olsson, L Gidhagen, V Gamerith, G Gruber, H Hoppe, P Kutschera
Sustainability 4 (5), 866-887, 2012
Single-and multievent optimization in combined sewer flow and water quality model calibration
V Gamerith, G Gruber, D Muschalla
Journal of Environmental Engineering 137 (7), 551-558, 2011
Sewer modelling based on highly distributed calibration data sets and multi-objective auto-calibration schemes
D Muschalla, S Schneider, K Schröter, V Gamerith, G Gruber
Water Science and Technology 57 (10), 1547-1554, 2008
Influence of local calibration on the quality of online wet weather discharge monitoring: feedback from five international case studies
N Caradot, H Sonnenberg, P Rouault, G Gruber, T Hofer, A Torres, ...
Water Science and Technology 71 (1), 45-51, 2015
Temperature and conductivity as control parameters for pollution-based real-time control
RPS Schilperoort, G Gruber, CML Flamink, F Clemens, J Van Der Graaf
Water Science and Technology 54 (11-12), 257-263, 2006
A robust and accurate surrogate method for monitoring the frequency and duration of combined sewer overflows
T Hofer, A Montserrat, G Gruber, V Gamerith, L Corominas, D Muschalla
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 190, 1-18, 2018
Assessment of UV/VIS-spectrometry performance in combined sewer monitoring under wet weather conditions
V Gamerith, B Steger, M Hochedlinger, G Gruber
12th International Conference on Urban Drainage, Porto Alegre/Brazil 1015, 2011
Spurenstoffemissionen aus Siedlungsgebieten und von Verkehrsflächen. Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Land-und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, Wien …
M Clara, T Ertl, G Giselbrecht, G Gruber, T Hofer, F Humer, F Kretschmer, ...
Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft. Wien, Österreich, 2014
Assessment of combined sewer overflows under climate change-urban drainage pilot study Linz
V Gamerith, J Olsson, D Camhy, M Hochedlinger, P Kutschera, ...
IWA World Congress on Water, Climate and Energy: Dublin, Ireland, 2012
In-line river monitoring–new challenges and opportunities
A Pressl, S Winkler, G Gruber
Water Science and Technology 50 (11), 67-72, 2004
Pollution load modelling in sewer systems: an approach of combining long term online sensor data with multi-objective auto-calibration schemes
V Gamerith, D Muschalla, P Könemann, G Gruber
Water Science and Technology 59 (1), 73-79, 2009
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