Eveline Huber
Eveline Huber
University of Zurich & University Hospital Balgrist
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Development of a new generation of high-resolution anatomical models for medical device evaluation: the Virtual Population 3.0
MC Gosselin, E Neufeld, H Moser, E Huber, S Farcito, L Gerber, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 59 (18), 5287, 2014
Controlled human malaria infection of Tanzanians by intradermal injection of aseptic, purified, cryopreserved Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites
S Shekalaghe, M Rutaihwa, PF Billingsley, M Chemba, CA Daubenberger, ...
The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 91 (3), 471, 2014
Association of pain and CNS structural changes after spinal cord injury
CR Jutzeler, E Huber, MF Callaghan, R Luechinger, A Curt, JLK Kramer, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 18534, 2016
Are midsagittal tissue bridges predictive of outcome after cervical spinal cord injury?
E Huber, P Lachappelle, R Sutter, A Curt, P Freund
Annals of neurology 81 (5), 740-748, 2017
Dorsal and ventral horn atrophy is associated with clinical outcome after spinal cord injury
E Huber, G David, AJ Thompson, N Weiskopf, S Mohammadi, P Freund
Neurology 90 (17), e1510-e1522, 2018
Cervical cord neurodegeneration in traumatic and non-traumatic spinal cord injury
M Seif, G David, E Huber, K Vallotton, A Curt, P Freund
Journal of neurotrauma 37 (6), 860-867, 2020
Neuropathic pain and functional reorganization in the primary sensorimotor cortex after spinal cord injury
CR Jutzeler, P Freund, E Huber, A Curt, JLK Kramer
The Journal of Pain 16 (12), 1256-1267, 2015
Warum sind Pflegefachmänner und Elektrikerinnen nach wie vor selten? Geschlechtersegregation in Ausbildungs-und Berufsverläufen junger Erwachsener in der Schweiz
K Schwiter, S Hupka-Brunner, N Wehner, E Huber, S Kanji, A Maihofer, ...
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie= Revue Suisse de Sociologie= Swiss …, 2014
Width and neurophysiologic properties of tissue bridges predict recovery after cervical injury
K Vallotton, E Huber, R Sutter, A Curt, M Hupp, P Freund
Neurology 92 (24), e2793-e2802, 2019
Tissue bridges predict recovery after traumatic and ischemic thoracic spinal cord injury
D Pfyffer, E Huber, R Sutter, A Curt, P Freund
Neurology 93 (16), e1550-e1560, 2019
In vivo evidence of remote neural degeneration in the lumbar enlargement after cervical injury
G David, M Seif, E Huber, M Hupp, J Rosner, V Dietz, N Weiskopf, ...
Neurology 92 (12), e1367-e1377, 2019
Metabolites of neuroinflammation relate to neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury
D Pfyffer, PO Wyss, E Huber, A Curt, A Henning, P Freund
Neurology 95 (7), e805-e814, 2020
The candidate blood-stage malaria vaccine P27A induces a robust humoral response in a fast track to the field phase 1 trial in exposed and nonexposed volunteers
V Steiner-Monard, K Kamaka, O Karoui, S Roethlisberger, R Audran, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 68 (3), 466-474, 2019
An analytical model for elucidating tendon tissue structure and biomechanical function from in vivo cellular confocal microscopy images
JG Snedeker, G Pelled, Y Zilberman, A Ben Arav, E Huber, R Müller, ...
Cells Tissues Organs 190 (2), 111-119, 2009
Tracking trauma-induced structural and functional changes above the level of spinal cord injury
E Huber, A Curt, P Freund
Current opinion in neurology 28 (4), 365-372, 2015
Zur Hartnäckigkeit geschlechtssegregierter Ausbildungs-und Berufsverläufe. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zu einer empirischen Untersuchung
K Schwiter, N Wehner, A Maihofer, E Huber
Femina Politica–Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft 20 (2), 7-8, 2011
Geschlechterungleichheiten im intergenerationalen Bildungstransfer in der Schweiz
S Hupka-Brunner, R Samuel, E Huber, MM Bergman
Geschlechtsspezifische Bildungsungleichheiten, 77-97, 2011
MR spectroscopy of the cervical spinal cord in chronic spinal cord injury
PO Wyss, E Huber, A Curt, S Kollias, P Freund, A Henning
Radiology 291 (1), 131-138, 2019
Comparative palatability of orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs) of praziquantel (L-PZQ and Rac-PZQ) versus current PZQ tablet in African children: a randomized, single-blind …
MK Mahende, E Huber, E Kourany-Lefoll, A Ali, B Hayward, ...
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 15 (6), e0007370, 2021
Kontinuität und Wandel von Geschlechterungleichheiten in Ausbildungs-und Berufsverläufen junger Erwachsener in der Schweiz
A Maihofer, MM Bergman, S Hupka, N Wehner, K Schwiter, E Huber, ...
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds, 2013
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